Bei Ming Qing Han is full of Lin Weiyue's memory at this time, and Lin Weiyue's scene is all in his mind.

From the beginning to later.

He never knew that he could clearly remember a person in his mind.

During this time, Lin Weiyue was really all in his mind.

As soon as he thought of the day she fell on the cliff, he felt so guilty and painful in his heart.

He looked for Lin Weiyue for a long time. It was really a long time before he knew that Lin Weiyue was alive and okay.

At that moment, Beiming Qinghan felt that his heart was alive.

He really blamed himself for a long time, and missed it for a long time.

He also finally understood what his mother once said to him, saying that he would cherish the people around him.

In fact, it is Lin Weiyue.

Unfortunately, at that time he did not realize his inner emotions.

After all, there is a preconceived concept deep in his heart.

In his subconscious mind, Lin Weiyue had an initially subjective understanding.

So when Lin Weiyue became better and better later, he didn't realize his feelings.

He also didn't know that Zi Yanrou's self-directed things happened on the cliff.

Beiming Qinghan knew that he really hurt Lin Weiyue, especially when Lin Weiyue finally fell off the cliff, and what he said made him feel pain every time he thought about it.

When he realized his feelings, it was actually a little late.

Moreover, when he woke up, he was already taken back to the palace by his subordinates.

And at this time, his father emperor had rebelled.

He wanted to change the situation, he could not change it.

He didn't know how to face Wei Yue in the future.

Therefore, he has a feeling of perseverance and obsession with Lin Weiyue. Therefore, he will not hesitate to wage war when he knows that Lin Weiyue is in the palace of Nancang Kingdom.

Beiming Qinghan actually did not know what he was going to do, he only knew that he wanted to see Lin Weiyue.

And he has realized the deep emotion in his heart.

Beiming Qinghan was in the camp, waiting, because of anxiety, constantly walking.

Although it is still a long time away from the appointment, Beiming Qinghan is still anxious, looking forward to Lin Weiyue appearing immediately.

Bei Ming Qing Han's heart is beating fast, his heart is carrying.

He imagined various scenes of meeting and could not guess what Lin Weiyue would tell him.

The most fearful thing in Beiming Qinghan is that Lin Weiyue does not forgive him.

He wanted to be pleased, but also very much.

Although he didn't really know Lin Weiyue for a long time, it was enough time for him to be emotional.

It's just that his consciousness is a little late.

Bei Ming Qinghan's eyes are red, and his heart is hurting.

When Ye Xueluo brought Lin Weiyue out of the camp, Ye Xueluo had an urge to not let Lin Weiyue go in and take Lin Weiyue away.

Lin Weiyue reached out and took the initiative to hold Ye Xueluo's hand: "Let's go in!"

Lin Weiyue's action gave Ye Xueluo a sense of security.

Ye Xueluo held Lin Weiyue back harder, holding it very hard, for fear that Lin Weiyue would be gone.

In fact, Lin Weiyue knew clearly that she had chosen Ye Xueluo, and Ye Xueluo gave her a feeling of security, so much care and spoil for her, and even willing to give up Jiangshan for her.

What is the reason why she doesn’t choose the night?

The person she loves loves him, her heart is warm.

Lin Weiyue gave Ye Xueluo a gentle smile. This smile was gentle and brilliant, which made Ye Xueluo's heart gradually calm down.

Then the two went into the camp account hand in hand.

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