It is really that Huang Qingdie's body is too stiff, and Yingqianxi can feel it.

He has a urge to laugh, but this girl is so cute.

Huang Qingdie blinked her eyes and looked at Sakura Qianxi like this: "Well, I am relaxed."

Ying Qianxi laughed out loud this time, his chest trembling slightly, and his voice was so crisp and pleasant.

Huang Qingdie blinked, did she really make people want to laugh?

"Am I lying right?"

Ying Qianxi took Huang Qingdie into her arms and said softly: "No, don't be nervous, relax, or you can't rest and sleep."

"Oh, oh..."

Despite this, Huang Qingdie really does not know what relaxation is and how to relax.

Ying Qianxi was somewhat helpless, and he began to speak softly to Huang Qingdie.

Tell her a lot of things before in the crew.

Tell her about singing before.

Huang Qingdie was most interested in these things. She listened very seriously and relaxed unconsciously.

Ying Qianxi felt that Huang Qingdie relaxed, and then stopped talking, but looked down at her tenderly.

Huang Qingdie blinked her eyes, listening to it with relish, "Why don't you say it, I haven't finished listening."

Ying Qianxi's mouth evoked a gentle arc, "I will tell you later, don't worry, slowly, I will tell you what you want to listen to. Some nights tonight, you have to rest and sleep."

Huang Qingdie grunted, "But I am not sleepy."

"Sleep for a while, close your eyes, and obey."

Huang Qingdie felt that in the gentle voice of Sakura Qianxi, she would listen involuntarily.

She closed her eyes obediently.

But when you close your eyes, other senses are particularly clear and sensitive.

She could hear Ying Qianxi's heartbeat, and she could smell Ying Qianxi's elegant breath.

In this way, it was all Sakura Qianxi's breath, how did she sleep?

Ying Qianxi sighed and felt that Huang Qingdie should be used to this, otherwise she would be so nervous in the future, how to rest.

Later, he couldn't talk together, and he shared the bed with Huang Qingdie.

That would only torture himself.

Ying Qianxi turned over and held Huang Qingdie in her arms.

Huang Qingdie felt more weight on her body and looked up at Ying Qianxi, only to feel that the light inside was rolling, and her eyes would swallow her. Huang Qingdie was a little ignorant.

Ying Qianxi's eyes dimmed, and she bowed her head and kissed the lips of Huang Qingdie's lips, tasting and kissing.

Huang Qingdie was dizzy.

A little bit, when he knew that Ying Qianxi made Huang Qing Die dizzy, he couldn't breathe until he let her go.

Ying Qianxi straightened her hair for Huang Qingdie, "Sleep."

This would be dizzy, and Huang Qingdie closed her eyes and soon fell asleep.

Ying Qianxi hugged Huang Qingdie, but couldn't sleep.

He only felt that holding a beloved woman had a sense of satisfaction both physically and mentally.

He is too anxious.

Originally I was thinking of waiting for Huang Qingdie to graduate, but he couldn't wait for Huang Qingdie's time.

He wanted to settle down as soon as possible and take Huang Qingdie home.

Of course, he was all ready, and he almost took Huang Qingdie back.

I wanted to tell her tonight, I was afraid she could not sleep nervously.

So wait until tomorrow to tell her.

Ying Qianxi looked at Huang Qingdie for a long time before lowering her head and kissing her forehead before closing her eyes and falling asleep.

Huang Qingdie is not honest in sleeping at night.

Yingqianxi got up in the middle of the night to cover the quilt several times.

Ying Qianxi gently hovered Huang Qingdie and comforted her ear before she continued to sleep sweetly in her sleep.

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