Ying Qianxi looked at Huang Qingdie's sweet sleep, but she didn't feel much sleep.

He sat up halfway, with one hand on his head, looking at Huang Qingdie seriously, his eyes glowed with tenderness.

At this moment, even if she doesn't sleep, Ying Qianxi's heart is also gentle and content.

Because the person he loves is right next to him, within reach.

Perhaps Ying Qianxi was reluctant to sleep, just thinking about watching Huang Qingdie for a while.

But Huang Qingdie easily kicked the quilt at night.

Ying Qianxi sighed helplessly in her heart and really didn't know how she slept before.

It's always easy to kick the quilt in such a night, he really is not at ease, and let her sleep alone in the future, what to do if she catches a cold. When Huang Qingdie was sleeping, she could feel the breath of the people around her, and she easily leaned on Sakura Qianxi involuntarily.

Although she was asleep, her movements were involuntary.

When Ying Qianxi watched Huang Qingdie sleep like a child, she couldn't help laughing.

But he still reached out to hug Huang Qingdie into his arms, so that she could find a comfortable posture and sleep well.

Ying Qianxi held a watch for a while, then lowered her head and whispered in Huang Qingdie's ear: "What's the matter, Qingdie? In the future, if you're not with me, I might be insomnia."

Although he knew that Huang Qingdie was asleep and could not hear his voice, Ying Qianxi couldn't help but say it.

When Huang Qingdie was sleeping, she seemed to feel itchy ears and reached out to move her ears.

The cute action made Sakura Qianxi look at it and couldn't help but want to laugh.

He involuntarily grabbed Huang Qingdie's hand and kissed it on his lips.

With very gentle movements, he still didn't want to wake Huang Qingdie.

Huang Qingdie's hand tickled slightly and then lowered her hand.

Ying Qianxi put her hand in the quilt and closed her eyes while holding her.

This time, smelling the girl's fragrance belonging to Huang Qingdie, he also slept in the past.

The next day, Ying Qianxi woke up early.

He looked at the people around him, only to feel that his mood changed in the morning.

Because of love, people's mood will become better.

Ying Qianxi looked at the time. Although he didn't want to get up, the long-established biological clock still made him used to get up early.

Although he wanted to see his beloved in bed.

But he still needs to get up and cook, although there are servants and cooks in the house.

But Ying Qianxi still wanted to make breakfast for Huang Qingdie.

This reminded him of the time when he first met Huang Qingdie and when he was still acting, she stupidly gave him a head, and he gave her dumplings in the room.

At that time, he didn't know that this stupid girl was still a tyrant.

At that time, I just wanted to treat this silly girl a little better.

But he didn't expect a heart to be left like this, and since then, he wanted to be better for this silly girl.

Just keep going like this.

Ying Qianxi shook her head, and then a soft kiss fell on Huang Qingdie's forehead, and she got up to cook.

Huang Qingdie really sleeps all night.

I dreamed of her idol Sakura Chiaki.

In her dream, she was still watching Sakura Qianxi's concert under the stage, yelling wildly with everyone, saying I love you.

Then the scene changed, and suddenly it was on the rooftop of the building. Sakura Qianxi specially sang to her and proposed to her.

Huang Qingdie laughed out loud with joy.

Then he woke up.

Huang Qingdie woke up dimly and was still in a dream. She only felt that Yingqianxi in the dream proposed to her, and she was really happy.

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