The king and queen knew that Yingqianxi would take Huang Qingdie back to her parents, and immediately prepared many, many gifts.

Huang Qingdie looked at the many gifts on the plane and felt dizzy.

so much!

Same as moving house.

"Uncle, aunt, don't need so many..."

"This is for your parents, and there are gifts for your brothers and sisters. There are not many. When we get married, we will prepare something else."

Huang Qingdie wanted to say something, but was held by Ying Qianxi.

On boarding the plane, Huang Qingdie still had a feeling of not getting back.

"Qianxi, do you really want to bring so much?"

"Qingdie, to me, you are a priceless treasure, not much at all, you are the most precious."

Huang Qingdie feels that listening to Sakura Qianxi recently, she feels like drinking honey in her heart, very sweet and sweet.

Huang Qingdie wanted to take her boyfriend home, and the news was really sudden.

Huang Yize and Yun Bilu did not prepare. Huang Luoxiu was still doing things abroad. Hearing the news, he also flew temporarily to prepare to go back.

Huang Qingwu and Han Yichu also packed things up quickly and took their daughters back to the Black Dragon Party.

Inside the Black Dragon Party

Yun Bilu looked at reorganizing, with a happy home, nodded with satisfaction.

She watched Huang Yize calmly sitting on the sofa reading a book and pouted.

Although the two have been together for more than 20 years, the years have not left any traces on Huang Yize, making him more evil and noble, but he also has a lot of steady breath.

However, this man is domineering, but that is another person.

Especially in a certain aspect, in these years, he has always enjoyed each other.

Perhaps because of the nourishment of love, she will also look young and have good skin.

It may also be the reason for her system. As a descendant of the Yan clan, her system is beyond ordinary people.

But among the children of this generation, it seems that the sister's daughter Yun Li Nuo is different from ordinary people.

Thinking of Yun Linuo, Yun Bilu's heart followed.

That child, bearing the Yun Family's millennium covenant, is to leave this world and go to another exotic time and space.

Yun Bilu is also worried.

Because Yun Linuo is really the treasure in everyone's heart, the children of this generation have spoiled her.

No one knows if it's time and space in a foreign land.

But fortunately, Leno mastered a lot of knowledge and abilities.

All the elders hate to teach her everything they know.

As soon as Huang Yize looked up, he saw Yun Bilu looking at him in a daze.

He shook his head helplessly, walked to Yun Bilu and hugged her in his arms, "What are you thinking and thinking so fascinating?"

Although he has been together for so long, his heart is getting softer and softer to her, and he can't hold it all the time.

Holding it like this, Huang Yize's heart is peaceful and contented.

Yun Bilu smelled Huang Yize's breath, and his heart was slightly drunk.

Although both of them are at this age, when she is sometimes held by Huang Yize, she will still have palpitations and rapid heartbeat, and there is a feeling that she is still in love.

In fact, she watched the children fall in love one by one, and she remembered when she was at Norbia University.

Yun Bilu's expression moved, leaning on Huang Yize's neck and saying, "I'm thinking, when will we go back to school and take a look at the campus road we once walked through."

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