Yun Bilu really wanted to go to school to see, because there are many memories of her and Huang Yize.

In fact, those memories on campus are very beautiful and pure.

She saw that the children were falling in love one by one, and her girl's heart was flooding.

Perhaps it was in these years that she was spoiled by Huang Yize, the same girl as she was.

Her heart is still pure.

And speaking of the campus, a lot of memory flashed in Yun Bilu's mind.

Thinking of it, she had an urge to laugh.

At this age, it's really naive and beautiful to think about the crazy things you did in your youth.

But Yun Bilu did not regret it.

Because of her perseverance and madness at that time, she could be with Huang Yize.

At that time, it was not easy to persevere, but later Huang Yize loved her very much, loved her very much, gave her happiness and joy, and also gave her happiness. When I think about it, there are really too many memories.

Yun Bilu seemed to return to that era, his heart was jumping fast.

Just like the throbbing of Huang Yize when she was a girl.

Although time has passed for a long time, the memory is very clear, as if it were yesterday.

When it comes to talking, Yun Bilu can't wait to go to the University of Norbia now and feel it at the school.

In fact, it should be quite fresh.

For Huang Yize, as long as Yun Bilu likes, he will accompany her to do it, as long as she is happy.

In these years, Huang Yize has become accustomed to petting Yun Bilu.

For Huang Yize, Yun Bilu happy is the most important.

He can give Yun Bilu.

And when she heard that she wanted to go to school, Huang Yize also remembered the time of university.

It was just that his heart hurt, and he held Yun Bilu even harder.

"At that time, when you were in school, it made you so hard, and made you chasing so tired. If I knew at the beginning that we could be together, I would not make you work hard."

When he said this, Huang Yize felt terrible.

In fact, these years, Huang Yize really loves Yun Bilu, and Yun Bilu can feel it.

She is really the same in honey.

She felt the change of Huang Yize's mood. She gently pushed Huang Yize with her hand. This kind of crazy and impulsive, I dare to say that I have been impulsive in my youth, and I don’t regret it."

Huang Yize heard Yun Bilu say no regrets, his eyes were slightly hot.

He bowed his head softly and kissed Fengfeng Sujin's forehead. "It was me bad then."

"No, no, why do you think so much, you were very kind to me then."

"I made you chase."

Yun Bilu listened to Huang Yize's answer and met his affectionate eyes, could not help laughing out loud.

It feels like her emperor Yi Ze is so stubborn now!

"Actually, we have a lot of good memories in school. You, you are not good at speaking and expressing. You are all silently good to me. I know it."

Huang Yize's good, she knows best in her heart, so at that time, she never gave up.

However, it turned out that she was right, and now he cares about her and caress her carefree.

Huang Yize will still have a heartache, and he almost lost Yun Bilu at that time.

He almost killed her.

Now that he wants to come, he still has a lingering fear.

Thinking at this moment, the arm will work harder, wishing to rub Yun Bilu into his body.

Like the rich grandma: Xie Shao's darling wife please collect: ( The rich grandma: Xie Shao's darling wife's literary update is the fastest.

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