Huang Yize had too much to say to Yun Bilu, but he didn't know what to say for a while.

He really loves Yunbilu. In these years, he has become more and more deep.

As long as she frowned, he could not feel bad.

Not to mention the things that happened before, and the things when I was young.

If he could go back to that time, he must have loved Bilu from the beginning.

She has always been his beloved girl.

If he can return to that time, he must not let her work so hard.

Yun Bilu felt Huang Yize's body stiff, a little helpless.

He is always like this, too nervous for her, and always grudges about the past.

In fact, Yun Bilu knew what it was because that was the time when she blocked the gun for him and scared him.

Later, for a period of time, wherever she went, where Huang Yize went, it was almost inseparable.

She asked him why at that time.

He said he was afraid of losing her, and he could not live alone.

She still remembers how she felt at that moment, her eyes were all red and she burst into tears.

It was also at that time that she was truly attentive and stayed at Huang Yize's side with peace of mind, no longer thinking about where to go and where to play.

Because there is a place where Huang Yize is also her home.

Later, for more than 20 years, Huang Yize really loved her very much.

As long as it is what she wants to do, he is with her.

He gave her everything she wanted.

Everything he gave her was the best he could give.

And the children don't have to worry about her.

He loved her very much, but sometimes he was very possessive and very domineering.

She remembered that when she was a young girl, she accompanied her to see the concert of the idol of Qingdie. When she came back, Huang Yize was so jealous that she couldn't get up in bed.

Later, she will not accompany Qingdie to see what concert.

Thinking of this, Yun Bilu seemed to think of something. She pushed away Huang Yize, "Oh, what did Qingdie say, what was her boyfriend's name?"

"Ying Qianxi!"

Yun Bilu opened her mouth in surprise, "Wow, that's... that star Ying Qianxi?"

Yun Bilu was almost surprised to jump, she felt quite excited.

I feel that the love of the youngest daughter is as romantic as it is in the novel.

I should be in love with the idol I love, should this feeling be wonderful?

Yun Bilu wants to know what it feels like to die now.

Yun Bilu pushed away Huang Yize and began to direct everyone to hurry and put things in place.

Huang Yize looked at Yun Bilu's reaction, slightly tasted.

But his eyes were full of spoiled light.

He knew that no matter how long it had passed, she was still the same girl, and her temperament had not changed.

For Huang Yize, as long as Yun Bilu is happy.

Yun Bilu jumped up and down and said to Huang Yize: "You know, Ying Qianxi is the idol of Qingdie. When Qingdie was 15 years old, she was obsessed with this idol. I went to see it. It’s really nice, and the teenager sings nicely, and that voice is almost..."

Yun Bilu said, with an intoxicated look.

Huang Yize looked at Yun Bilu like this, his body's blood boiled.

His eyes narrowed dangerously, "He looks good, his voice sounds good?"

Upon hearing this voice, Yun Bilu suddenly recovered, and she hurriedly explained haha: "That, no, I mean he only matches our daughter like this."

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