Xirong Fuchen held Duan Jintian, in fact, still had a very trance feeling.

Because of many times of missing, many times want to get close and want to hug, but found that they are in a different place.

Before, their relationship was uncertain, and when the elders didn't know, they really rarely met.

Moreover, the identities of the two of them are very special. Once photographed, it is not easy to deal with the follow-up matters.

So at that time, want to hug the beloved girl, have to hold back fiercely.

That feeling is really uncomfortable.

So while holding Duan Jintian really at this time, Xirong Fuchen still had an unreal feeling in his heart.

Because in his dream, because he missed his girl too much, he would dream of meeting, hugging, kissing...

Under the corner of the garden tree on the campus, a cold, noble and handsome man hugs a sweet girl, their atmosphere is so fusion, there is a very sweet feeling.

The wind blew gently, and the clusters of flowers drifted with the rustle, with a particularly beautiful feeling.

Let people watch, just like a comic.

Many people pass by and can't help but stop to look a few times, wondering who this man is?

Such a unique temperament, so handsome, why haven't you seen it in school?

Obviously a cold man, but when he treats the girl in his arms, he can make people feel as warm as the sun.

"Who is that?"

"It's so pleasing to the eye, why haven't you noticed before?"

"This man doesn't seem to be from our school, and his identity background is not ordinary. You look at that temperament, others can't learn it."


"Really like reading comics, handsome men and sweet girls..."


Duan Jintian leaned on Xirong Fuchen's arms, still in a state of ignorance, and his mind was blank.

She only remembers the strong throbbing feeling just now, and everything else was in a trance, as if she had lost consciousness.

But she could smell the elegant and nice smell on Xirong Fuchen, her favorite.

Many times, when she couldn't meet Xirong Fuchen, she thought about this kind of breath.

At this time, Duan Jintian's heart is full of sweetness, do not want to let go.

She even forgot that this is still on campus.

Of course, after her heartbeat calmed down, she naturally heard the sound of discussion from the people around her.

Duan Jintian looked up and blinked, her face red, she looked at Xirong Fuchen and said: "It seems they are all watching us."

Xirong Fuchen listened to Duan Jintian's words and looked at her thin-skinned face and couldn't help but want to laugh.

He lowered his head and whispered in Duan Jintian's ear, "Come home with me now, OK?"

Xirong Fuchen's gentle words made Duan Jintian's heart throbbing fiercely.

Duan Jintian feels so kind to the word home.

She didn't expect Xirong Fuchen to say so, but she poked the softest place in her heart.

Duan Jintian nodded shyly, "Huh."

Although I know that Duan Jintian will go with him to the country, because I said that before.

But the moment I really saw Duan Jin's dessert head, Xirong Fuchen still had a different feeling in his heart.

He could see Duan Jintian's expression with his own eyes, knowing that she really came home with him.

Xirong Fuchen bowed her head softly and kissed the lower section of Jin Tian's forehead. It was a kiss without any other emotions. It was really just a kiss of love.

"Okay, let's go home, my home for you."

From the earliest time when two people met, Xirong Fuchen was still young at that time, he thought of working hard to build a good country and a good home for his sweetness.

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