Duan Jintian listened to Xirong Fuchen's words, and she was very sweet. She was very happy and couldn't help raising her lips.

"Okay, let's go home."

Hearing Duan Jintian's answer, Xirong Fuchen smiled gracefully, and then took Duan Jintian's hand to his car's place.

He drove the car and took Duan Jintian to the airport.

Soon, the two boarded the plane.

On the plane, Duan Jintian's mood was completely different this time.

In the past, she hurriedly met with Xirong Fuchen and hurried back.

At that time, every time she met, she wanted to slow down and then slow down.

But time always passes quickly.

At that time, when I thought about it, Duan Jintian felt a little pain in her heart. Nobody likes to be separated. In fact, she actually thought of staying with Xirong Fuchen all the time.

It's a pleasure to be with my loved one.

So, this time, Duan Jintian was in a good mood by plane.

Because she knew that this time she could be with the people she liked throughout the holiday.

She no longer has to think about time.

Xirong Fuchen is the same as Duan Jintian. Because his sweetness is around, he is in a good mood.

Along the way, he has been holding Duan Jintian's hand, never let go.

Even if the two people just sit quietly and do not speak, it is a kind of enjoyment.

Xirong Fuchen held Duan Jintian's hand in the palm of her hand, using a very deep force. Although she didn't hold Duan Jintian's hand, it was tightly held, as if she was going to hold her tightly same.

Duan Jintian actually knew that Xirong Fuchen came to pick her up today, so she had some insomnia last night.

Now on the plane, feeling the plane taking off, Duan Jintian leaned in Xirong's arms and relaxed.

Xirong Fuchen could also feel that his girl was tired.

He loves her so much, so her look changes, he is very clear.

He gently grabbed Duan Jintian and patted her back gently, just like coaxing a child, "I think you are tired, go to sleep and wait until I call you."

"it is good."

Maybe because Xirong Fuchen is now around, she can sleep with peace of mind without thinking about anything.

Moreover, smelling the smell of Xirong floating dust, Duan Jintian was very comfortable both physically and mentally. After a while, she slept.

Xirong Fuchen's attention has always been on Duan Jintian, so when her light breath came out, Xirong Fuchen knew she was asleep.

Xirong Fuchen gently embraced Duan Jintian and found a comfortable posture for her so that she could sleep better.

He looked at her sweet and quiet sleeping face and had a very satisfied feeling.

As if looking like this, my heart will be very, very soft.

Moreover, Xirong Fuchen was almost greedy looking at Duan Jintian's eyebrows.

It has been a long time since he saw her.

Looking at it, Xirong Fuchen couldn't help but bowed his head and kissed Duan Jintian's lips.

He wanted to dig deeper, but tried hard to endure. He still didn't want to wake Duan Jintian and wanted her to take a good rest.

But Duan Jintian was also asleep while sleeping on the plane.

Feeling the humidity on her lips, her eyelashes flickered and woke up.

Duan Jintian could feel Xirong Fuchen kissing her, and her breathing was tense.

It was really that she was clearly awake, not knowing whether to open her eyes.

Because her breathing was tight, Duan Jintian's eyelashes couldn't help but tremble.

Xirong Fuchen looked at Duan Jintian's eyes and felt her breath, knowing she was awake.

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