Duan Jintian froze, listening to Xirong Fuchen's words, "News?"

Xirong Fuchen smiled elegantly, "Well, news, it won't take long for you to take such a trip, the citizens of the entire country e will know."

Duan Jintian blinked and was surprised, "Can everyone report it casually?"

"It's not just casual reporting, it's my default. This time, everyone can post news on the news media, about you and me."

Since it can be announced, why not.

He wants everyone to know that this is his girl, and he has been waiting for the girl to grow up.

I was worried about Duan Jintian's loved ones, but now I don't have to worry anymore, he naturally wanted to announce it.

He wants to set his girl down, so that no one can covet anymore.

And since he was a teenager, he recognized his girl.

Duan Jintian froze for a moment, and after returning to her mind, she hurried to get her mobile phone. She wanted to open the news.

"What are you looking for?"

"Mobile, I want to watch the news."

Duan Jintian's mobile phone is in the bag, if you want to rummage, it is not so easy.

Xirong Fuchen gently embraced Duan Jintian and handed his mobile phone to Duan Jintian, "Take this hurdle."

"This is your phone."

Xirong Fuchen gently said in Duan Jintian's ear: "You can watch whatever you want."

Duan Jintian blinked his eyes, and a bright light flashed in his eyes, "What's the chat content?"

Xirong Fuchen shook his head helplessly and nodded Duan Jin's forehead. "You, wherever I think, I'm chatting with you. Everything else is work. You said, what else can I do?" Conceal yours."

Hearing these words, Duan Jintian was touched and warm.

Everyone hopes that the one he loves has only one in his heart, and he hopes that there is only one in his world.

At this moment, Duan Jintian was very sweet and had a very happy feeling.

She took Xirong Fuchen's mobile phone and thought it was heavy.

Xirong Fuchen turned on Duan Jintian and let her play.

Duan Jintian was just in the car, leaning on Xirong Fuchen's arms, playing with her mobile phone.

Xirong Fuchen held Duan Jintian, even if she did nothing, just looked at her and felt her breath, his heart was satisfied. He hasn't been so relaxed in a long time.

Only Duan Jintian can bring him ease and relaxation.

He was willing to guard her like this.

Duan Jintian lowered his head and turned on the phone to watch the news.

Sure enough, the headline was a photo, a photo of her and Xirong Fuchen, the photo in hand, the person taking the photo was very skilled, and the photos were all so beautiful.

At a glance, you know that two people have emotion in their eyes.

The titles are varied, but they are all good titles.

President's mysterious girlfriend debut!

The scene reappeared more than 20 years later!

Many, many are writing about the appearance of Xirong Fuchen's mysterious girlfriend.

What do you say about Jinwu Zangjiao, and say that their appearance is really similar to that of Xi Rongziye and Bai Yaoyao.

There are many comments below.

"Excited, our president is really normal, just like girls, ah, this girl is beautiful and sweet, at first glance is the kind that is lovable, so familiar!"

"Isn't this President X's daughter?"

"Ah, our president is in love. I have never seen the president smile so softly.

"How can the President love this girl very much."

"This girl loves the president at first sight, no wonder the president had no gossip before, it was for her!"

Like the rich grandma: Xie Shao's darling wife please collect: (www.wuxiaspot.com) The rich grandma: Xie Shao's darling wife's literary update is the fastest.

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