There are many and many comments, and everyone is expressing their understanding.

They all said they finally understood why their president had no gossip and why the assistants around him were all men.

They are all talking about Xirong Fuchen's infatuation.

None of the comments scolded her, and they all expressed blessings.

Especially when many people guess that she is Bai Yaoyao's daughter, everyone is expressing support.

Because the people all know that the departure of President Xi Rong Ziye in the first place was actually an emotional sorrow, and he did not care for his body, so he went so early.

Everyone is very sad and painful, and many old people are still remembering the first president.

So they understand how important love is to a person's physical and mental health.

In particular, if you want to keep the president alive, you still need to let the president have a love.

Before Xirong Fuchen didn't have a woman next to him or close to a woman, everyone was very worried.

Everyone worried that President Xirong Fuchen was just like his father, so he went so early.

Such a good president, they all hope that he can live longer, so that country e can be more stable and prosperous.

So at this moment, everyone sees photos and news, most people have a very happy feeling.

"It turns out there is such a girl, and our president can be so happy."

"I have never seen the President laugh so happy and gentle."

"The president and the girl really match so well. Look, the photo of Bai Yaoyao's daughter found is her!"

"It's great, it finally made up for regrets."


The comments were various, Duan Jintian refreshed one by one, and the tense heart finally calmed down.

It turned out that everyone still supported them, just support them, so she can rest assured.

She felt that Xirong Fuchen had managed the country e really well.

She can feel that the cultural atmosphere of e-country is very strong, everyone's quality is very high, and there is no curse on the Internet.

Everyone is expressing blessings.

She likes this kind of people very much, and this kind of people will make the leaders willing to work harder to govern this country.

She also has a feeling, she thought, she would also like this country very much.

She will also work hard with her brother Chen in the future and go to govern this country together.

Xirong Fuchen watched Duan Jintian's mouth rising, knowing she was happy.

Xirong Fuchen glanced at the phone, hardly thinking about it, and guessing what kind of news is on the Internet.

He is still very confident in the country he governs.

Especially the quality of his people.

They love him, he knows it.

So the girl he loves will be accepted by everyone.

Xirong Fuchen touched Duan Jintian's hair lovingly, "I'm relieved now?"

Duan Jin dessert nodded, "The people in country e are really good, they are all on the Internet, and I can feel that everyone loves you very much."

In the same way, she can also feel that she can be loved like this, her brother Chen must have put a lot of effort.

Xirong Fuchen held Duan Jintian harder, "For today, for my sweetness, everything is worth it."

Just such a sentence would make Duan Jintian moved.

Because she knew that behind him he put a lot of effort.

She took a deep breath and controlled the emotions in her eyes, "Brother Chen, I will work hard with you in the future, and we will govern the country together. I will not let you work so hard."

"Fool, you can help me by your side."

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