With this shouting, everyone rallied and prepared to greet the President and the future President's wife.

To be honest, everyone is very excited.

Because their president has never been a gossip, nor close to female sex, they have also worried that there is no hostess in the presidential palace.

Because when the first president, there was no hostess in the presidential palace.

It's really deserted.

Especially some old people who work in the presidential palace know that feeling the most.

And without a hostess, the first president is always busy with work, regardless of home or his own body.

And at that time, no one could see the smile on the first president’s face.

At that time, they were distressed by the first president, but they could not do anything, nor could they persuade the first president.

Because the first president was heart disease at that time, heart disease still needs heart medicine, but they are not heart medicine.

Only the love in the heart of the first president is his medicine.

It was only then that Bai Yaoyao already belonged to the wife of President X, and they could only follow the distressed President.

If it was not for Xirong to float the dust, the first president might have gone long ago and would not last that long.

So today’s President Xi Rong is not close to the woman, and everyone is really, very worried.

But now that everyone knows the news, everyone is at ease.

The president had a girl in love, and watching photos and news, the two should love each other very much, and the president smiled so happy, they were both happy to watch.

Some old people, the old people who have served the former president, can't help but have red eyes.

The eyes are all sour red.

They couldn't even cry.

Really, they are happy.

And if this girl is really Bai Yaoyao's daughter, the first president must be very happy, really make up for the regret!

Everyone looked forward to the door, waiting for the president and the girl to appear.

Everyone spontaneously stood in two rows, holding flowers, and were all ready to speak.

"Must call the President's wife."


After they have been with the president for so many years, they can naturally see the president's thoughts. The president cares so much about the girl, and now he takes the initiative to show up in front of the media to announce the girl.

So there is nothing wrong with their shouting.


When it arrived outside the presidential palace, the car stopped slowly.

Duan Jintian felt that the car had stopped, and when she looked outside, she looked stunned. In fact, she had a strange and complicated feeling in her heart.

This place used to be where my mother came.

No, to be precise, when the mother was young, she wanted to enter the presidential palace, but at that time, Uncle Xi Rongziye did not give the mother a place, but just arranged the mother in a Baifu.

My mother said that at that time she loved Uncle Xi Rongziye, and wanted to be with him, and she was fair and upright.

So here, my mother used to come quietly, but here is also where my mother is sad.

Fortunately, the mother later met her father, met love, was spoiled and loved, and healed the mother's heartache.

But Duan Jintian didn't expect that she would come here.

She has a very trance feeling.

After trance, Duan Jintian had a very warm and sweet feeling.

Because she knew that she gained love and was cherished and cherished by the person she loved.

Xirong Fuchen took Duan Jintian's hand and said, "Sweet, we are home!"

When Xirong Fuchen said this sentence, the tone was so gentle, with a sense of caution and cherishment.

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