Duan Jintian heard Xirong's floating dust, and then looked at the presidential palace, there was a feeling of sore eyes and fever.

Her heart is very complicated.

She distressed her mother and also cherished her current love.

Duan Jin nodded, blinked, and controlled his emotions, then followed Xirong Fuchen to get off.

Seeing the scenery outside the presidential palace of country e, Duan Jintian had a very wonderful feeling in his heart.

She has a feeling of fulfilling her mother's regret.

In fact, it is sad for my mother to mention things when she was young many times!

In fact, there are some regrets in her mother's heart, but her father gave her love and let her forget those past.

At this moment, she stood here, especially able to experience the feelings and feelings of her mother.

If her brother Chen treated her like that, she thought her heart would die.

Xirong Fuchen kept holding Duan Jintian's hand, feeling Duan Jintian's hand was cold. He looked down at Duan Jintian's look and felt distressed, "What's wrong? Isn't it uncomfortable? Still feel uncomfortable coming here ?"

Duan Jintian shook his head and said, "No, I just remembered my mother."

Xirong Fuchen's expression slightly moved, he heard his father said when he was a child.

My father said many times that he was sorry for Aunt Bai.

His father hurt Aunt Bai, but he was actually the most painful.

Father understood too late.

But he won't. He knew Duan Jintian's importance to him from the beginning.

Thinking, Xirong Fuchen held Duan Jintian's hand tighter, as if holding it with the power of life.

"Tiantian, this is my home. The place where I grew up will be our home in the future."

Such a sentence, in fact, really impressed the girl.

Because the person she loved planned her in his world, he took him seriously.

My mother said that if a person really loves you, he will plan you in his world, and any decision of his will take you into account first.

So at this moment, she realized the love of Xirong Fuchen.

He is willing to bring her to his people, he is willing to announce their relationship, he is willing to take her to where he lives, to his presidential palace.

Duan Jintian took a deep breath and nodded, "Okay, let's go home."

Xirong Fuchen took Duan Jintian's hand forward.

At the gate, everyone saluted respectfully, and then shouted: "Welcome to the President, Mrs. President!"

For this title, Xirong floated a little stunned, but was satisfied.

For him, Duan Jintian will be his wife and his wife in the future.

So such a title is just a matter of time.

Duan Jintian was originally prepared to move forward gracefully, and was thundered by such a name, almost staggering.

Fortunately, she set her mind.

She looked at Xirong Fuchen sideways.

She found that Xirong Fuchen's expression was very calm, as if there was nothing wrong with it.

Duan Jintian gently shook Xirong Fuchen's arm with his hand and whispered: "Brother Chen..."

Xirong Fuchen lowered his head in Duan Jintian's ear and said: "Sweet, the person next to me is only you, so it is a matter of morning and evening. I think there is nothing wrong with it."

Well, Duan Jintian has to admit that her brother Chen is very strong at this moment.

But to be honest, she does not reject this title, she likes it instead.

She also felt that the location beside her brother Chen was only hers.

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