Without waiting for Chi Wencheng to react, Xi Rong Ziye could not wait to run out of the dormitory.

What Chi Wencheng wanted to say, but Rong Ziye had disappeared.

Xi Rongziye didn't want anything in his mind, he only wanted Bai Yaoyao, he really wanted to see her again, see her...

Look at her and talk to her.

When Xi Rongziye went down to the dormitory, the sky was dark and snowflakes had floated in the sky.

The wind is cold.

He saw Bai Yaoyao standing downstairs in the boys' dormitory at a glance.

Maybe it was because of the cold weather, maybe because she was standing for a long time, it was really frozen, her cheeks were reddish from freezing, she kept walking, rubbing her hands from time to time, haha, it seemed like this would be able to Be warmer.

At this time, Bai Yaoyao was only 18 years old, slightly green, but still with beautiful beauty.

In the eyes of Xi Rong Ziye, Bai Yaoyao is the most beautiful, the heaviest and most beautiful person in his heart.

Seeing her frozen, Xi Rongzi Ye's heart hurt terribly.

He remembers that in the past, it was also a snowy day. When his mobile phone was turned off, Bai Yaoyao seemed to have waited a long time.

He came down at night for dinner, when it was dark.

Bai Yaoyao saw him and came up happily.

At that time, he couldn't see her cold, she couldn't see her contribution, just thought she was stupid.

At that time he didn't even say a few words to her, coldly.

Thinking of those, Xi Rongzi Ye wished he could stab himself with a knife.

His heart is bleeding, it turns out he is so sorry for Bai Yaoyao.

Xi Rongziye's eyes were red, with a crimson color.

He clearly wanted to run quickly and hug Bai Yaoyao, but he didn't know why, his feet were like lead, making him unable to move at all.

Xi Rong Ziye was in a trance for a moment, his heart suffocated.

He just stood there and looked at Bai Yaoyao. He also felt a rapid heartbeat. He wanted to get close, but he didn't know how to get close.

Because he used to be very indifferent to Bai Yaoyao, he didn't dare to think about it when he remembered it.

Because he will guilt to die, he will be distressed to die Bai Yaoyao.

She is stupid, but because she loves him, he did not cherish it before.

Xi Rong Ziye took a deep breath to control her emotions.

But the emotions in the heart are not so easy to control.

When Xi Rong Ziye was standing in the same place, Bai Yaoyao would take a look upstairs at the dormitory, and then saw Rong Ziye downstairs.

When Bai Yaoyao saw Rong Ziye, his eyes lit up every time.

She felt that it was really a pleasure to see Rong Ziye.

He stood in the snowflakes, out of the blue, Chilan Yushu, unparalleled.

Even if you don't look at his appearance, just look at his temperament, I feel that he is really so noble.

Look carefully, his appearance is so exquisite.

He was too cold. Before, he always gave people a feeling of refusing to be thousands of miles away. Sometimes the indifference penetrated by him could freeze a person.

But Bai Yaoyao always believed that Rong Ziye was very good, he was just used to protecting himself with indifference.

She also knew that he was actually the most serious person.

She saw him in the cold weather and was doing laundry alone. She saw him get up early every day to study.

She saw that he had spared time to go out to work.

Although he is poor, he works hard, and he has a positive momentum.

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