In the past, Bai Yaoyao knew that he would buy Zhuang Susu a gift from his work.

At that time, she secretly envied Zhuang Susu and could be cared for by Rong Ziye.

A person can give you all of his, he must be very affectionate.

Bai Yaoyao looked at Rong Ziye and felt very good, especially under the snowflakes, he felt like a fairy.

No one could stop his charm.

She also knows that there are many girls who like Rong Ziye.

But he will be frozen by his indifference and will not have the courage to chase it down.

Only she pursued very positively, so seriously, for several months, she was not frozen.

Bai Yaoyao knows that she has actually become a joke for many people.

There are many people in the school talking about her!

There are all kinds of unpleasant words.

But she didn't care. She just wanted to be good to Rong Ziye. She would be very happy when she saw him, and she would feel full of infinite power all over her body.

She is full of energy to be good to Rong Ziye.

One is because she really likes him, the other is because she loves him.

He was so hard, she was very distressed.

When she went to school before, she silently followed Rong Ziye, so she knew how good he was.

She wondered if Rong Ziye would treat her well one day, would she be happy?

Because she has seen, Rong Ziye treats a person well.

That Zhuang Susu doesn't know how to cherish.

She Bai Yaoyao will know how to cherish.

Bai Yaoyao believes that even a cold heart, a heart like Jian Bing will be melted.

Bai Yaoyao looked at Rong Ziye and thought it was worth the wait.

She couldn't take care of it anymore. She carried things and jumped happily to Rong Ziye.

"Zi Ye, you are out."

When Bai Yaoyao is talking to Rong Ziye now, he is still a little cautious, afraid that he will not speak when he is upset.

Bai Yaoyao did not know how she put herself so low.

But like it, she can't help it.

Rong Ziye looked at Bai Yaoyao's smile and looked at the bright light in her eyes.

He hasn't seen him for a long time, and he really misses it.

He wanted to take a closer look, something he could only see in a dream.

Once he could only watch her news and photos.

Rong Ziye almost cried out.

His Yaoyao is really beautiful.

She smiled so bright and beautiful.

Rong Ziye wanted to speak and want to call her name, but her throat seemed to be stuck and she couldn't say a word.

Maybe because there is too much to say.

"Zi Ye, are you not happy?"

Xi Rong Ziye shook his head. He looked at Bai Yaoyao with some sadness, and his heart hurt terribly.

He also shook his hand carefully, and then took Bai Yaoyao's hand.

The moment he held her hand, he felt cold and distressed.

"I'm not unhappy. I'm very happy to see you. Why are your hands so cold? Have you stood for a long time?"

It took Xi Rong Ziye a long time to find his strength and speak.

He couldn't help but hold Bai Yaoyao's hand very hard, as if he had exhausted all his strength, as if holding it like this, Bai Yaoyao would never leave again.

Holding that moment, his heart was trembling.

You can really touch Bai Yaoyao again, it's really not a dream.

Rong Ziye's reaction completely made Bai Yaoyao unprepared. She was stunned. She thought she had heard it wrong.

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