Although Rong Ziye took Bai Yaoyao's hand and walked to the cafeteria along the way, in fact, there was little communication between the two.

But even without communication, Bai Yaoyao can feel close to the person she loves.

And although the air was very cold, Rong Ziye's palm was very warm. He held her hand warmly, warmer than the temperature of his gloves.

It has been warming to my heart.

When she was saddened and was wronged in the dormitory, there was still a person by her side. Even a word of concern could make her feel warm.

Bai Yaoyao didn't really need much, she just wanted a warmth.

Rong Ziye knew that Bai Yaoyao had something to worry about, but she didn't tell, he didn't know how to persuade her.

At this moment, Rong Ziye actually really wanted to enjoy the feeling of being Bai Yaoyao's boyfriend.

It was the feeling of being dependent on her trust.

She can talk to him about any unhappy things.

He can coax her and love her.

That made him feel that he was needed.

Rong Ziye always held Bai Yaoyao's hand tightly.

As if gripping tightly, she could always hold her.

But Rong Ziye did not dare to use too much force.

He took Bai Yaoyao's hand and walked into the cafeteria.

In the past, Rong Ziye did not want Bai Yaoyao to walk too close to him.

Many times, he wanted people to know that he had nothing to do with Bai Yaoyao.

But the fact that Bai Yaoyao chased him is well known in the school.

But now, Rong Ziye can't wait to let everyone know that he is with Bai Yaoyao.

He hated to announce this relationship with everyone.

So he took Bai Yaoyao's hand like this, even if he entered the restaurant, he didn't let go.

He took Bai Yaoyao to the window, "What kind of breakfast do you want to eat?"

Bai Yaoyao looked up carefully at Rong Ziye and said, "Breakfast is simpler."

Rong Ziye remembered that in the last world, at breakfast, Bai Yaoyao likes to eat a fried egg and then drink a bowl of porridge.

But Rong Ziye is not sure that Bai Yaoyao is eating breakfast this way.

"Yaoyao, what do you want to eat, tell me is it good?"

Rong Ziye looked at Bai Yaoyao like this and wanted to hear her say.

Although this morning is very cold, and there are not many people coming to the canteen on a snowy day, there are still sporadic people who saw how Rong Ziye treated Bai Yaoyao.

That kind of look really seems to be melting ice.

This look gave people the feeling that he was holding Bai Yaoyao in his palm and was afraid of falling, and contained a feeling of fear in his mouth.

Although he still seems to be so noble and elegant, his eyes and look can't deceive people.

Bai Yaoyao smiled and said, "A fried egg, a bowl of millet porridge, come in two portions, and then add this, this..."

Bai Yaoyao swiped directly when he said.

Rong Ziye didn't brush it if he wanted to open it. It was Bai Yaoyao's reaction too quickly.


Rong Ziye was a little helpless, and she didn't know what kind of attitude to treat Bai Yaoyao.

But he was reluctant to say a heavy word to Bai Yaoyao.

In fact, Bai Yaoyao distressed Rong Ziye.

She felt that she had done nothing before.

"Breakfast is what you eat on weekdays. I shouldn't have ordered anything wrong. Let's eat it!"

During the meal, Rong Ziye couldn't help asking, only to know that Bai Yaoyao had fried eggs and millet porridge on weekdays because he ate more of this on weekdays.

Bai Yaoyao came exactly according to Rong Ziye's preferences.

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