In fact, after a long time, Bai Yaoyao is used to eating according to Rong Ziye's taste, so that she often forgets what she likes to eat.

Rong Ziye asked Bai Yaoyao. Bai Yaoyao simply said a few words and said nothing.

But Rong Ziye can also understand something between the lines in Bai Yaoyao's words.

He seemed to be able to understand, in another world, why Bai Yaoyao eats almost the same taste as him.

Thinking of this, Rong Ziye was sour.

He reached out and took Bai Yaoyao's hand, "Yaoyao, I used to be sorry to you."

Bai Yaoyao shook his head, "I am willing to think of being close to you, you have no one to be sorry for."

Bai Yaoyao smiled at Rong Ziye, and smiled very softly.

In fact, she feels very happy now, because Rong Ziye now cares about her feelings and starts to care about her.

She could see her own light in his eyes.

Even when he was eating, he would care about her and intended to chat with her.

She was actually quite satisfied.

She cherishes her feelings now, and her heart is easily satisfied.

As for the past, Rong Ziye just eats by himself.

Sometimes he finds a place to sit on his own, and she cooks and sits beside him.

Sometimes when I eat, I don’t say a word.

When she has good energy, she will say a lot of things.

At that time, she felt she was singing a one-man show.

Sometimes, she didn’t even know what Rong Ziye heard.

At that time, she was picking happy and interesting words to say that she wanted to make Rong Ziye happy too.

To be honest, it's really tiring and tiring for a person to say so much to himself.

But she still likes Rong Ziye and wants to get along with him and talk more.

So she couldn't help but get close.

There is nothing sorry but sorry, she likes it, she is willing to pay.

She understood her position from the beginning.

But people are greedy, so love it, so in fact, they want to get his response subconsciously, his love!

But this time, she could feel Rong Ziye's heart faintly.

Even if she felt a little, she was very happy.

Rong Ziye could feel that at this moment, the smile on Bai Yaoyao's face reached the bottom of his eyes, and he smiled sincerely.

Seeing Bai Yaoyao's smile, Rong Ziye was really happy.

After being happy, my heart is still sour.

Rong Ziye also wanted to smile at Bai Yaoyao, but he found that he was sore in heart and could not laugh.

His heart hurt.

How would he make up to Bai Yaoyao to make up for what he owed her so much.

How should he treat her at once?

Bai Yaoyao looked at Rong Ziye's unnatural look, and his heart was tense again, "Rong Ziye, actually, actually, I just think that we can talk like this. ."

Bai Yaoyao is afraid that Rong Ziye feels uncomfortable, but she is actually afraid of her heart, and suffers from gains and losses.

So she couldn't help explaining, let Rong Ziye feel relaxed.

After a pause, Bai Yaoyao lowered his head and stirred the porridge in the bowl, saying: "I... I never thought about making you tired, I just wanted to give you a relaxed feeling."

The more uncertain Bai Baiyao's words are, the more Rong Ziye's heart hurts.

In that world, Bai Yaoyao used to be like this.

But at that time, he ignored her feelings, he did not know that she was so careful, her heart actually hurts!

Like the rich grandma: Xie Shao's darling wife please collect: ( The rich grandma: Xie Shao's darling wife's literary update is the fastest.

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