Hua Jingxun listened to Xie Lingye's words and nodded vigorously. She knew she had to become stronger, and only by becoming stronger could she do what she wanted to do. And this man is so strong, she also wants to be strong.

He found cheats and weapons suitable for her practice for her, she will cherish it, and then practice well.

Xie Lingye looked at Hua Jingxun so obediently, and was very soft.

He smiled softly, and now there are such obedient girls, people can not help but want to spoil and protect.

She really hurts.

Thinking, Xie Lingye couldn't help but reach out and touched Jinghua's head, "If there is anything you don't understand, ask me."

"it is good."

Hua Jingxun can feel that beside Xie Lingye, she will have a deep sense of security and a warm feeling.

It was he who gently touched her hair and made her heart warm, she had never felt this way before.

She has only seen other couples. In love, boys may touch girls’ hair.

She would be envious at that time.

But she dared not think about it.

When she was in the Duanmu family at that time, Duanmu Qingjian let her touch her hair gently, but she almost never held hands.

But she didn't care anymore. Now that Xie Lingye is so good, she is very content.

She felt very warm in her heart, and there was a feeling that the warm current would overflow.

Xie Lingye had just come back and hadn't rested yet. He went to wash and rest for a while. Hua Jingxun continued to comprehend in the room.

She has been very good since she was a child. In fact, she has always been very smart, so she is also talented in cultivation.

In addition, she was able to cleanse her bones and strengthen her cultivation ability. She soon settled in and began to absorb the spirit of heaven and earth into her own strength.

This kind of feeling that the body can relax and the strength is increasing, so that Hua Jingxun is a little uncontrollable.

When she opened her eyes again, her eyes brightened.

For a few days, Xie Lingye will also be very busy, but every night, he will spend time with Hua Jingxun to eat together. Regarding the cultivation, if he does not understand anything about Hua Jingxun, Xie Lingye will give her guidance.

Except that her mother was not around and she had not found her mother, this time when she was saved and protected by Xie Lingye was the most reassuring time she had ever had.

I always feel that no matter what, Xie Lingye will think of it for her.

And these days, she also eats the best.

Three meals a day are all changing patterns, and the nutrition mix is ​​also very balanced.

She can feel it.

In addition, new clothes are delivered in the cabinet every day, all of which are made according to her size.

Hua Jingxun was very moved, and sometimes couldn't help sour eyes and wanted to cry.

She had never had such treatment before, and no one had treated her so well.

Those servants were also respectful of her, never looked at her with sarcasm, nor even talked about her behind her.

This gave her a sense of trance and unreality.

Because Xie Lingye is really good to her.

In the Duanmu family, even if it was a young grandma, she had never received such treatment.

Perhaps at that time, they only regarded her as a maid?

Even the servants of the Duanmu family treated her as a maid.

The kind of sarcasm and disdainful look is actually the most stinging.

Up to now, Hua Jingxun thinks that those eyes are always frozen in his heart.

But this also inspired her to make her more aware that she should cherish the opportunity and strive to become stronger.

Like the rich grandma: Xie Shao's darling wife please collect: ( The rich grandma: Xie Shao's darling wife's literary update is the fastest.

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