In fact, Hua Jingxun sometimes thinks about trying to do something for Xie Lingye.

But she found that she is so weak now, and Xie Lingye is so strong, Xie Lingye has almost nothing missing, she really does not know what she can do.

Hua Jingxun observed for several days and found that she really can't do anything for Xie Lingye now.

She found that, perhaps as she said at the beginning, she could only agree with Xie Lingye.

During dinner, Xie Lingye looked at Hua Jingxun with a little silence, and laid out some dishes for her, and asked, "What's wrong? Did you encounter any problems during cultivation?"

Hua Jingxun shook her head. She looked at the dishes in the bowl, but now she is accustomed to taking care of her like Xie Lingye.

But she is not a person who does not know gratitude, nor a person who does not know others are good.

Even if she is used to it, she will remember every bit of it.

Hua Jingxun also started to learn to serve Xie Lingye.

Xie Lingye is kind to her, and she actually wants to do her best to be kind to Xie Lingye.

Hua Jingxun found that even if she could do a little for Xie Lingye, she also felt happy.

When a person is willing to accept your good, it is actually a different feeling.

I remember that when she was in the Duanmu family, she initially thought about having a good relationship with Duanmu Qingjian, trying to make a dish for Duanmu Qingjian, but they were almost frozen by the air conditioning on Duanmu Qingjian.

At that time, no matter what she did, he would pick her fault.

Either she thinks her dish is not good, or she just knows she eats well.

In fact, it's just because she caught a piece of meat.

In the eyes of those people, does she eat a piece of meat as if she hadn't?

When others look at you with colored glasses, you can't change what you do with colored glasses.

Although her family is rural, although she and her mother have always been dependent on each other.

But they worked diligently and earnestly to live.

When they are next to their mothers, they will also improve their lives regularly and eat meat.

They did not steal or snatch, did not do anything bad, she felt she was frank.

But when people have been despised for a long time, she really feels inferior.

Sometimes, she couldn't help but doubt herself.

Because in the Duanmu family, most of the people they contact are people from a certain family. It seems that they look at people from the sky.

In fact, at that time, Hua Jingxun missed her hometown many times. Although it was small, the folk customs were simple and the neighbors helped each other. Everyone was very enthusiastic.

Anything delicious is given to each other.

Who has something to do with everyone, everyone is helping each other.

Every time, everyone will say hello enthusiastically.

It was also afterwards that she realized that people were different. Those of the big family defined the hierarchical plan by themselves. She came out of the village, and she would be ridiculed even if she worked hard and even frankly.

She thought those people were like this.

But when she met Xie Lingye, she realized that not everyone is the same.

At a glance, Xie Lingye's ability and family background are many times stronger than the Duanmu family, but Xie Lingye is very good, and his cultivation quality is very high. He does not have the habits of rich children.

He is also kind to her.

She saw that she carefully gave Xie Lingye the food that he ate.

This made her sigh of relief, he didn't dislike it.

Xie Lingye actually looked at Hua Jingxun's cautiously carefully in her eyes, but she also knew that she was distressed and could only be cured slowly.

Like the rich grandma: Xie Shao's darling wife please collect: ( The rich grandma: Xie Shao's darling wife's literary update is the fastest.

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