Elder Qin was very surprised to hear Hua Jingxun's words, but he also knew that Hua Jingxun was a clever kid.

She must have her reason to graduate early, he just said the rules of the college.

No one has graduated early in the college for a long time. After all, it is not easy to set up a ring to defeat all the disciples, but also to complete some tasks of the college.

It's really difficult for a disciple who has just entered school.

Even these elders are not sure.

Elder Qin wanted to persuade Hua Jingxun, but when he saw Hua Jingxun's firm look, he knew she had made a decision, and persuasion was useless.

But he thought of the scene just recorded by the stone, Hua Jingxun's ability is indeed extraordinary.

Elder Qin pondered for a moment and seemed to think of something, and asked, "Hua Jingxun, they said you have a treasure in your hand, is that true?"

"Elder Qin, they can't beat me, so they deliberately fabricated this reason."

Elder Qin sighed: "Whether it is true or not, if this matter spreads, even if it doesn't, it will bring you danger, so you need to be careful."

Hua Jingxun nodded, "Thank you Elder Qin."

Because of this, she has to graduate from Zi Zong Academy as soon as possible.

Although she knew it was difficult, she also had to fight and graduate early, otherwise her situation would be more dangerous.

Thinking about it, Hua Jingxun gently put it on her stomach with her hands. This is her secret. She can't tell anyone other than those left by Xie Lingye.

Elder Qin looked at Hua Jingxun and asked again: "Really decided to graduate early?"

Hua Jingxun said firmly: "Elder Qin, the disciple's heart has been decided."

Elder Qin said silently; "In this case, you go to a place with me, which is the secret room of our Zizong Academy. If you can understand it, it will be very helpful for your promotion."

Elder Qin is really very worried about Hua Jingxun, especially her strength, it seems very strong, but if you really want to defeat all the disciples, he does not believe it.

Because of Hua Jingxun's current strength, the power of Dan Tian is yellow, even if her combat skills are strong, but if faced with the power of blue, she will be injured.

Elder Qin thought of Xie Lingye's emphasis on Hua Jingxun, and felt that if Hua Jingxun was injured, Xie Lingye would not be able to explain it.

Hua Jingxun's eyes lit up, "Thank you Elder Qin."

She knows that there are many treasures in the secret room of Zi Zong Academy, and the aura will rise very quickly.

Of course, the key is to be able to comprehend, if it is not possible, it is useless in the back room.

Hua Jingxun secretly thought that if she wants to seize the opportunity, she must improve her strength in a very short time.

Elder Qin has a special status in the academy, so he took flowers to the secret room without any objection.

Even if there is an objection, they dare not say it.

Everyone now thinks that the background of Hua Jingxun is very strong. Even if you walk through the back door once, you also walk twice.

So everyone thinks it's okay to be blameless.

What's more, everyone's knowledge of Huajing's ability.

Look at her eyes, naturally with awe.

A person with the power of a yellow dantian was able to pass so many moves in the hands of the elders without being injured.

Can also be a rival of six, five of those six and her are the power of yellow Dantian, and the other is the power of blue Dantian.

So everyone thinks that this flower is a genius, and it is normal for a genius to enjoy privileges.

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