And the old people at Zizong Academy know that the secrets hidden in this secret room are extraordinary, and very few disciples can be put into the secret room.

Even some elders may not be able to enter this chamber.

I heard that this is the secret left by the mighty, hiding the big chance, but also the danger.

If you don't have enough ability, you can't enter it.

And it requires toughness and integrity.

Otherwise it will fall into the devil and be controlled by the devil.

Everyone watched that Elder Qin really wanted to send Hua Jingxun into the Chamber of Secrets, and everyone's look changed.

I don't know how long Hua Jingxun can stay in the back room.

It's because the stronger the ability, the longer it takes to learn in the secret room.

Elder Qin sent Hua Jingxun to the door of the Chamber of Secrets: "Everything in it needs your own understanding, but there are also dangers. These are formed according to your state of mind, so entering it, your state of mind is very important. ."

Hua Jingxun nodded, "Uh."

"If it's dangerous, you crush this signal."


Elder Qin told Hua Jingxun a simple account, and then placed a jade sign on the secret door of the secret room, and then the secret door opened slowly.

After Hua Jingxun entered, the door closed slowly.

As soon as the door was closed, it was all dark, and then there was a burst of wind in my ears.

Hua Jingxun could feel the power of suppression in the air, so that the power in her body could not be exerted.

But Hua Jingxun closed his eyes, trying to calm himself and relax.

Then she walked forward step by step.

She knew that what she needed to overcome was the obstacles in her heart, and she needed to step forward courageously.

When Hua Jingxun walked forward firmly, the mark on the forehead was looming, it was the mark of Xuanling Tower, as if consuming the power around him, the light of Xuanling Tower became brighter and brighter.

But this radiance envelops the flower static smoke, which is a kind of protection. It makes the flower static smoke a lot easier when walking forward step by step.

I don't know how long it took, Hua Jingxun didn't know where to step on, and then dizzy.

When she woke up again, it was in a mountain forest.


In the forest is the roar of the beast.

When Hua Jingxun woke up and did not react, the various beasts in the mountain forest began to attack.

Hua Jingxun started running and started to fight back...

In this way, she began her experience in the forest...


As time passed, many people who were guarding outside the secret room were shocked.

No one expected that Hua Jingxun would spend so long in the back room.

"How come it hasn't come out yet, wouldn't it be dead inside?"

"Elder Qin gave her the signboard, smashed that, she could be sent out, how could it be dangerous."

"Is it really so long to stay in it by ability?"

"I heard that this secret room was a divine state left by a powerful person before, and it can send people to a place to experience according to their state of mind. Those are real scenes, they are great opportunities, and their ability to improve is very fast. ."

"But it is indeed very dangerous. I have never seen a fight like Hua Jingxun. I have to graduate in advance and don't know what to think..."

"She is totally hatred like this, she has become a celebrity, and I don't know how the college disciples will think of her."


In everyone's discussion, half a month later, Hua Jingxun came out of the secret room, but she also carried a water-spirit white-haired fox in her hand.

Like the rich grandma: Xie Shao's darling wife please collect: ( The rich grandma: Xie Shao's darling wife's literary update is the fastest.

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