Everyone was shocked when they saw this white-haired fox.

It was the first time they saw it. After someone entered the secret room, they brought out an animal.

This fox's eyes are turning, especially agile, as if having aura, it should be human.

But at such animal level, no one can see what level comes.

Forgive them for being ignorant, for the first time they saw such a white-haired fox.

Everyone looked at it curiously, but found that the fox still gave them a hard look.

Ah... this fox is like a human being. The emotion in his eyes makes people think that it is not a fox but a person standing in front of him.

Everyone pointed at the fox, surprised, "This...this..."

Hua Jingxun's expression was faint. She patted the fox's head gently and said, "Little Fox, this is not a forest."

Xiaohu seemed to feel the meaning of Hua Jingxun, and then continued to retract the bag behind Hua Jingxun, no longer exposed.

No one knows what Hua Jingxun saw in the secret room and what happened.

Only Hua Jingxun knew what she saw.

Even if it came out now, Hua Jingxun's look was a little trance.

But everyone can find that the breath of Hua Jingxun is different, she exudes a strong momentum.

Everyone looked at each other.

"Can you see the power of Jingjing?"

"Can't see it, but it must be stronger than when she entered."

"Well, we can't feel the breath in her, and her progress is too fast?"

"This is the first time I heard that it took so long to enter the Chamber of Secrets, and she was not injured at all, but became stronger."


No matter what other people say, the look of Hua Jingxun is faint.

She is ready to go back to the dormitory.

Elder Qin knew that Hua Jing was coming out, and hurried over to see.

Hua Jingxun respectfully paid respect to Elder Qin. She is very grateful to Elder Qin.

Otherwise she would not have such a big gain in the secret room.

Elder Qin looked at Hua Jingxun and said with emotion: "Your child is extraordinary, otherwise Xie Lingye's child will not value you so much."

Mentioning Xie Lingye, Hua Jingxun's look moved.

In the jungle, she walked into a illusion and saw the world where Xie Lingye was.

She looked clearly at the world, and she seemed to see Xie Lingye.

He seems to be looking for a way back.

She didn't know if it was true, but she felt it was true.

Thinking of Xie Lingye, her heart was beating fast.

Xie Lingye is working hard to come back, she must also work hard to become stronger.

That world is really beautiful. Although she saw it for only a while, she felt that she liked that world.

That world is peaceful and prosperous.

It is not like here in Zhongzhou mainland, weak meat and strong food.

Elder Qin was talking to Hua Jingxun, and he was suddenly surprised, "You... are you the power of blue?"

The power of Dantian felt by Hua Jingxun seems to be blue, but she can also be promoted quickly.

It was Xiaohu who told her that she needed to be stable, not to improve so fast.

However, in the course of the enemy, if it is very dangerous, if the enemy is very strong, she can quickly upgrade two levels.

When Elder Qin was shocked, a fox appeared from behind Hua Jingxun.

Seeing the blue eyes of the fox, Elder Qin exclaimed, "This is a **** fox, it will follow you!"

"Shen Fox?"

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