Xie Lingye's body strength rushed straight down the cliff, enveloping them all with light and sent them to the other side of the cliff.

In the process, Xie Lingye sweated all over his body.

No one knows how scared he was at the moment.

Even if Hua Jingxun was rescued now, Xie Lingye still had palpitations. He was cold all over, his arms were stiff, and his fingers were shaking.

Because of the fear just now, Xie Lingye burst into cold sweat.

His face was pale.

The baby in Hua Jingxun's arms will not cry at all. He lies in Hua Jingxun's arms and looks at Xie Lingye with wide eyes.

Looked curiously.

The moment Hua Jingxun was jumping off the cliff, he was actually ready to die.

At that moment, her expression was calm.

She is not afraid of death.

But her only regret is that she can't let her child see Xie Lingye and fails to protect her child.

But just before the cliff jump, she saw Xie Lingye.

At first Hua Jingxun really thought it was an illusion, but when she was taken back to the cliff, she realized that it was not an illusion.

Hua Jingxun's eyes were trembling, and he could hardly believe it, looking at the person in front of him.

Her eyes were uncontrollably filled with tears, which almost blurred her vision.

Hua Jingxun didn't know how to react at this time. She was stiff all over, and she didn't dare to move.

She was afraid that this was not true.

She was afraid that she would disappear, and Xie Lingye would disappear.

Hua Jingxun seems to have forgotten everything at this moment, only Xie Lingye is in her eyes.

She really missed him very much, and at the moment when he saw him, her heart trembled.

She can be strong enough and hard enough, but only in front of Xie Lingye, she can't help but feel fragile, she can't help but want to cry.

I recall crying out all the wrongs.

Because she knew that in front of Xie Lingye, she could be weak, she was distressed.

Hua Jingxun really waited for Xie Lingye for a long time.

She kept giving her faith, but later, she didn't know if Xie Lingye would come back.

So when I saw Xie Lingye, Hua Jingxun's emotions were very unstable.

She had thought a lot of things to say to Xie Lingye, but at this time she couldn't say a word, and her brain was blank.

She wanted to open her mouth, her throat seemed to be blocked, with an astringent taste and no sound.

Her lips trembled, trying to speak, but Xie Lingye kissed her.

Xie Lingye's lips were a little cool, but Hua Jingxun really felt the kiss.

This is a real kiss, let Hua Jingxun really realize that Xie Lingye is in front of her.

Xie Lingye looked at Hua Jingxun's **** appearance, and couldn't help her emotions, almost crying.

He never cried, but at this moment, he wanted to cry because of Hua Jingxun.

She made him distressed.

He came late.

"Quiet, sorry."

Maybe except this sentence, Xie Lingye really didn't know what to say and what to say.

His hands shaking with flowers still shaking.

Hua Jingxun heard Xie Lingye's voice and smiled gently, very gently.

She waited for him.

Although Hua Jingxun's strength is exhausted, she is exhausted, but when she sees Xie Lingye, she seems to have regained her spirit.

Hua Jingxun remembered the child and wanted to talk to Xie Lingye about the child, but she really had no energy at this time and was struggling to speak.

Xie Lingye gently touched the flower's quiet smoked hair and said: "Don't say anything, leave it to me."

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