When Xie Lingye said this sentence, her voice was hoarse, with a vibrato.

Xie Lingye looked at Hua Jingxun, really distressed.

His heartbroken eyes were sour and red, and if you look closely, you can still see tears in his eyes.

This is the first time that Xie Lingye's emotions are so uncontrollable that his heart can't breathe sorely.

Especially seeing Hua Jingxun's whole body looks like blood, which has too much impact on him.

And the way she jumped off the cliff, still echoing in Xie Lingye's mind, making him tremble all over.

Xie Lingye had such a feeling, but he can't control it now, and his heart is shaking.

If it is not the occasion, he will really cry holding Huajing Xun.

This is the person he loves to take care of, but let her suffer so much, and almost died in front of him.

Xie Lingye did not dare to think about what would happen if he arrived one step late.

He couldn't even think about it, and his heart hurt like a knife.

Hua Jingxun smiled softly. Even if she didn't have any strength now, her whole body seemed to be exhausted and her blood seemed to drip, but she still smiled and wanted to tell Xie Lingye not to worry.

But she found that Xie Lingye's face was still pale, as if frightened.

She did not know that Xie Lingye would come.

If she knew that she would stick to it for a while, instead of jumping off the cliff, she thought, it must have scared Xie Lingye that she had just jumped off the cliff.

She wanted to comfort Xie Lingye and wanted to tell him that she was fine.

But in one mouth, she found that she couldn't make a sound at all, her throat was dumb, and because of the excitement, her heartbeat was now accelerating. Her heartbeat was very fast and she had no energy, so she couldn't say a word at all.

If she misses her bones, she would like to see more Xie Lingye, she is supporting herself, otherwise her eyelids will not open.

It took all her strength to jump off the cliff.

Otherwise, she will fight again.

Xie Lingye's hands were still shaking, and even if they were rescued by Hua Jingxun, he was still in fear.

The emotion of fear drowned him like a storm.

Xie Lingye has always gently touched the flower's hair with soft smoke, and took out three pills with shaking hands, one for the flower and the soft for the flower...

Another one was given to the little fox.

Hua Wanrou, who was next to him, also knew that she was rescued. With only a glance, she knew that this man should be Xie Lingye, who is often read by her daughter Hua Jingxun.

Looking at him, Hua Wanrou nodded with satisfaction in his heart, and it turned out to be a kind of affectionate person.

Just by looking at his daughter, she can see that this Xie Lingye is very affectionate to her daughter.

Xie Lingye's hands were shaking, he bowed his head and kissed Huajing's lips again.

This is how to focus on the child in Hua Jingxun's arms.

She seemed to be very sensible, not crying or making noises, and looked at Xie Lingye with blinking curious eyes.

Xie Lingye and the child's eyes matched, and the heart softened uncontrollably, as if something was poked at the softest place in the bottom of the heart, as if the feathers brushed the heart.

Is this his child?

His daughter?

The eyebrows really resembled him.

Xie Lingye's heart suddenly produced a subtle feeling. He couldn't tell what it was like. His eyes were even redder when he saw the child. Xie Lingye wanted to touch the child's hair and hug the child.

But such a small child, let him feel helpless, do not know where to put his hands.

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