Xie Lingye is very nervous, he is more afraid to touch the child, will make the child cry.

He didn't feel much when he saw other children before.

But when he saw his own child, his heart softened.

The eyes are particularly sour.

Hua Jingxun looked at her daughter and her father's eyes at this moment, and she seemed curious. She looked calm and gentle.

This is the person she loves, this is the child of her and the lover.

The family of three is together.

She waited for him.

Hua Jingxun was very happy, as if he had forgotten the hardships he had eaten before.

She and her daughter waited until Xie Lingye returned.

Hua Jingxun's eyes are also tearful.

But her tears were wiped off gently by Xie Lingye.

Hua Jingxun looked at Xie Lingye's soft and watery eyes, which had a deep feeling of affection and a distressed light.

At this moment, she felt the feeling of being distressed, the feeling of being distressed by the loved one.

At this moment, Hua Jingxun really has a feeling of dreaming in a trance.

There is a less real feeling.

But Xie Lingye was indeed in front of her. He held her hand and held it very hard. The temperature of his palm reached her.

The powerful feeling made her feel safe.

I don't know if it was the medicine that Xie Lingye just gave her. At this moment, Hua Jingxun felt that his body did not hurt, and his strength seemed to be recovering.

Hua Wanrou also felt her strength recover.

The sound of the little fox's breathing also seemed to calm down.

Xie Lingye was full of thoughts on Hua Jingxun, her eyes and her daughter.

In fact, since the emergence of Xie Lingye, up to now, the people on the opposite cliff who chased and killed Hua Jingxun have never recovered, and have not reacted.

They met before, Hua Jingxun they jumped off the cliff.

Immediately after this light flashed, everyone ran to the opposite cliff.

That light was a white light. Under the power of Dantian in the mainland of Zhongzhou, only the red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue and purple light was seen. I have never seen white light.

But the light was so dazzling, as if with great power.

The dazzling light and the person who appeared suddenly surprised everyone.

Because there are so many strong people in Zhongzhou mainland, they have never seen it. A person appears like a lightning, and then saves both the person who jumped off the cliff and the fox.

And it took people to the other side of the cliff in an instant.

how did you do that?

They were all taken aback.

Everyone can't help but understand that this man must be a very capable person, and his strength can't be seen by anyone.

But even so, everyone will not give up Xuan Ling Tower.

Xuanling Tower is about to be obtained soon, how could they give up, they will win Xuanling Tower.

Even if this man is very strong, they also have so many strong men.

Hua Jingxun and Hua Wanrou and the fox, weren't they just killed by them and had to jump off the cliff?

This man, they can also kill him with human tactics.

"Quick, everyone is approaching the cliff opposite, winning the Xuan Ling Tower, first-class merit..."

"Xuan Ling Tower, fast, Xuan Ling Tower..."


These people recovered, and began to plunder Xuan Ling Tower.

Xie Lingye felt murderous, and his eyes rose sharply. He turned to look at the group of killers on the opposite cliff. His eyes burst into Sen Luo's chill.

He turned his head and stood up, with the spirit of Shura all over him.

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