Xie Lingye has dealt with all the things in Zhongzhou mainland, and all the things to be packed are also packed.

Then, he and Hua Jingxun, baby, Hua Wanrou and the little fox returned to his world.

After the vortex of the sky in mainland China gradually disappeared, Xie Lingye's figure also disappeared in mainland China.

When Xie Lingye opened his eyes again, he was in the Xie family.

As soon as he opened his eyes, he began to anxiously look for flowers to quietly smoke them.

Xie Ying stood by the bed and said: "Mrs. Young is downstairs..."

Xie Ying has not finished yet, Xie Lingye has disappeared in place like a gust of wind.

When he appeared again, it was on the first floor lobby.

At this time, Hua Jingxun was sitting on the sofa somewhat restrained. His mother held her baby and talked to Hua Jingxun there.

Yun Bixue really likes this little girl, her son's daughter, her granddaughter, so beautiful, especially her eyes are so smart, very god.

When holding her, she kept crying and leaning on her, giggling.

Meng's heart has changed.

Yun Bixue looked at sitting there, some restrained flowers quietly smoked. She reached out and patted Jinghua's hands apologetically: "Don't be restrained, it's all a family, you and Ling Ye, he also told me , When your mother wakes up, I will discuss with her, your marriage with Ling Ye... You are also working **** the mainland of Zhongzhou, and at home, no one will dare to bully you..."

Yun Bixue remembers that she was so uneasy at the beginning, and Xie Limo's mother comforted her to help her and treated her as her own daughter.

Today, Xie Cangyao and Ji Qiongxin are still living their two worlds in a certain village in m country.

The two old men are still in good health.

Thinking of Ji Qiong's heart, Yun Bixue's heart is warm and touching.

So she will treat her daughter-in-law well.

They are all a family and should not be treated with a harsh attitude. She likes it when her son likes it.

Moreover, Hua Jingxun was sensible at first sight, which made people feel pity.

Hua Jingxun looked at Yun Bixue's soft eyes, listening to her so gentle voice, waves bursting in her heart.

It turned out that Xie Lingye's mother was so young and beautiful, and people were so good and so gentle.

When she actually saw Xie Lingye's mother, she really didn't expect it to be his mother.

She only felt that the woman in front of her was so gentle and so beautiful.

When she said her identity, she was really surprised.

So young, it doesn't look like a mother-in-law at all.

She was really surprised inside, is this really Xie Lingye's mother?

And Xie Lingye's home is really big...

She has never seen such a big place in mainland China.

So after she realized Xie Lingye's ability and identity, she became more restrained.

But she was really grateful that Xie Lingye’s mother was so good, and made her heart a little better.

She remembered the old lady Duanmu who used the front-end wood family. At that time, the old lady Duanmu had been bullying her, insulting her, and even letting her work.

At that time she was very tired.

In fact, when she came here, she was also terrified. She was afraid that Xie Lingye's mother would also be harsh on her.

But unexpectedly, Xie Lingye's mother is really good.

She involuntarily fell in love with Xie Lingye's mother.

Such a warm family is really nice.

This turned out to be the feeling of home.

At this moment, Hua Jingxun's heart was warm and moved. She really couldn't help but want to say thank you to Xie Lingye now.

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