Feeling so much warmth at once, Hua Jingxun is really restrained.

Yun Bixue also knew that Hua Jingxun was restrained. She thought that when she was young, when she saw Xie Limo's mother, she was also very restrained at first.

When you get along with each other for a long time, there will be more naturally.

And she and Xie Limo generally do not stay at home for too long, they will often travel.

Xie's can be handed over to Xie Lingye and Hua Jingxun.

Hua Jingxun was a good boy at first sight. He was a sensible man and would be helped by Xie Lingye.

At this time, the little fox was also sitting on the sofa beside Yun Bixue.

It seems that where the baby is, the little fox will be.

When Yun Bixue looked at the little fox, a glare flashed through her eyes.

She looked at Hua Jingxun and said: "This fox is really humane, sticky baby, always beside the baby."

Hua Jingxun nodded and said: "Well, it used to look at the baby in the evening. The baby didn't have to worry about us all night and didn't cry."

Hua Jingxun looked at the baby and then the fox, and felt really amazing.

God fox?

According to the memory of the charming Ji Niangniang in her mind, Shenhu was also a noble creature.

Only in the world of God and Fox.

But how did it appear in the world of the world?

This made Yun Bixue very surprised.

When Yun Bixue did not speak, Hua Jingxun did not speak.

In fact, Hua Jingxun is still restrained. She doesn't know what to say, what to say, and she is afraid to say the wrong thing.

Because when she came back, Xie Lingye was guarding her. At that time, she felt some turbulence in the air.

After coming here, she did not know why. She and her baby and the little fox woke up first. Xie Lingye and her mother were still sleeping.

Xie Lingye's mother sent the doctor to look at it and said that there was no major problem, just wake up.

She has been awake for a day, and she has eaten well here, and everyone will respect her respectfully.

But her heart is always empty.

She wanted Xie Lingye to wake up, and she wanted to be with Xie Lingye so that she would have a sense of stability.

As if feeling something, Hua Jingxun looked up and saw Xie Lingye walking down the stairs.

The moment she saw Xie Lingye, Hua Jingxun's eyes brightened.

She also sighed for a long time.

Xie Lingye is a tranquilizer for Hua Jingxun.

Seeing Xie Lingye coming, Yun Bixue hurriedly gave the child to Xie Lingye, "You accompany Hua Jingxun, I'll go and see what the kitchen is doing at noon today."

Yun Bixue was afraid of flowers being quiet and uncomfortable, so she would talk more with her, and Xie Lingye would wake up and give the space to two people.

Xie Lingye naturally understands his mother's heart. He looks at Hua Jingxun, "Are you all right?"

Xie Lingye was most worried about Hua Jingxun's emotions, fearing that Hua Jingxun would not adapt.

Hua Jingxun nodded, "Well, very good, your mother is also very good, I did not expect her to be so young and beautiful."

"That's your mother too."

Hua Jingxun's face turned slightly red. To be honest, she was still not very used to it. Although Xie Lingye's mother was their parents, but she was so well-maintained, she really looked like her sister.

Xie Lingye held the baby in one hand and held Jinghua in the other hand: "This is my home, and it will also be your home in the future. When I finish lunch, I will take you around, and I will take you in the future. Go out and play, you can tell me any ideas."

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