After watching the phone for a while, Zi Lingxi put the phone on the bedside, lying on the bed, sleepy, she was ready to sleep.

In fact, while waiting for the results, the whole person cannot really relax.

Even if she knew she would take the exam well, but she had high demands on herself, so she really got a grade. When she knew that the exam was okay, she could relax and get a good night's sleep.

Zi Lingxi just slept in bed.

When she fell asleep and woke up, it was already evening.

She looked at the dark sky outside, looked at the time, it was more than seven in the evening.

Why did she sleep so much at once?

Maybe you can fall asleep after really relaxing.

When Zi Lingxi woke up, he rubbed his eyes and prepared to go downstairs to eat.

When she first walked up the stairs, she saw a precious and elegant figure in the living room on the first floor, sitting quietly on the sofa, as if reading a newspaper.

That figure is so beautiful, elegant and distinguished, and it is elegant and elegant...

In her world, she has never seen such a good-looking person.

So when she was 13 years old, when she first saw him, she felt like a fairy, a fairy who saved her.

Zi Lingxi paused, so she stayed on the stairs and stared at the man.

Under the light, he was more dazzling and elegant.

Zi Lingxi only felt that the man was born as if he were born under the dazzling light, and was noble.

She seemed to see the humbleness in her heart all at once. Can she go near him so dazzling?

Zi Lingxi's expression was also a little trance, she thought it might be that she was wrong, dazzled, just woke up, unconscious.

She might be thinking about this person, so he appeared.

Seeming to hear some sound, Huang Luoxiu looked up and saw Zi Lingxi. The look on his face softened a lot, "Wake up? Can you sleep well?"

When Huang Luoxiu came, it was afternoon, knowing that Zi Lingxi was sleeping, he did not disturb her, so he sat on the sofa in the living room and waited.

Hearing the clear and familiar voice, Zi Lingxi reacted. It was Huang Luoxiu, not her hallucinations.

At this moment, Zi Lingxi's eyes brightened.

Zi Lingxi nodded cleverly, and then said, "Brother."

The clear and crisp voice, with a soft and cute feeling, softened Huang Luoxiu's heart.

"Well, your college entrance examination results come out, and I want to take you to celebrate, but so late, you can only eat at home, what do you want to eat?"

Huang Luoxiu seriously asked Zi Lingxi, one pair, what she wanted to eat, he made her look.

Faced with such an exquisite face, Zi Lingxi always had no strength in her heart, and her heart beat quickly.

When stepping down the stairs, I almost stepped on the air.

She worked hard to make up her mind: "I can eat anything, not picky eaters."

In fact, for Zi Lingxi, seeing Huang Luoxiu with her own eyes is more joyful than eating anything.

And did he come here to celebrate her?

Zi Lingxi thought that he would take a good exam and get a good grade in the future, so he would celebrate her more often?

Huang Luoxiu stood up and walked in front of Zi Lingxi, who wanted to touch her hair, but when the little girl lowered her head like that, he put his hand back.

Although it is a sister, it seems that Zi Lingxi cannot be regarded as his two sisters.

"Wait a moment, I'll go to the kitchen and make something for you."

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