Huang Luoxiu is busy on weekdays and rarely cooks, but today she wants to cook for Zi Lingxi to celebrate her college entrance examination results.

The little girl learns well and is something worth encouraging.

He should help her establish the correct concept.

When I came before, I was thinking about taking Zi Lingxi out for dinner and eating outside the island. There was still time.

But now it's evening, and it's too late to come back after eating.

So he is also preparing for cooking temporarily.

Although there are servants, they feel different.

Just like when he and his sisters were young, eating a meal prepared by their parents is different from eating a meal prepared by a maid.

Parents cook together, they eat the food prepared by their parents, that is the feeling of home.

The little girl has no family, and Huang Luoxiu can take the time to try to give the little girl a sense of home.

Watching Huang Luoxiu roll up his sleeves and walk towards the kitchen, Zi Lingxi didn't recover at all and didn't react at all.

She was still in a trance, always feeling unreal.

Brother, are you cooking for her?

Brother will cook?

Zi Lingxi blinked her eyes, thinking she had heard it wrong.

But her probe was looking in the direction of the kitchen. Huang Luoxiu was really busy there. She could hear the sound of the water flowing in the pool, and seemed to be washing vegetables.

It's true, my brother cooks for her.

Zi Lingxi's heart was about to jump.

She took a deep breath, covering her heart hard, fearing her heart would jump out.

Zi Lingxi tried to calm her breath, and she felt her face slightly warm.

She walked gently towards the kitchen.

What she saw was that Huang Luoxiu rolled up his sleeves and wore an apron and was busy in the kitchen.

He is such a distinguished person, even if he is cooking, every move shows elegance and nobleness.

He is so beautiful, even if Zi Lingxi looks at Huang Luoxiu's cooking, his eyes can bring an obsessive light.

She likes him so much, her heart is throbbing.

No one knows her mind, she hides deeply.

Her feelings first opened because of him, she understood the feelings, but also because of him.

Some people really only need to remember it at a glance.

In fact, Huang Luoxiu is too dazzling.

And he cut vegetables so finely, so neatly, and so well.

Zi Lingxi all felt that Huang Luoxiu was not cooking, but was doing the same art.

What Zi Lingxi didn’t know was that Huang Luoxiu, as the young master of the Black Dragon Party, had to be trained in martial arts since he was a child. His kung fu was very powerful, and the cold weapon was the most proficient, so it was natural. Gong is naturally a matter of course.

Huang Luoxiu cooks quickly, and a plate of dishes will be served in a while.

As soon as Huang Luoxiu turned his head, he met Zi Lingxi's eyes and saw the little girl standing at the door and watching him.

Huang Luoxiu gently smiled at Zi Lingxi.

He felt that he might have been too serious before and would scare the little girl, so he tried to make himself laugh softly.

As everyone knows, he was absolutely gorgeous, so dazzling, such a smile, even more gorgeous, the girl's heart will jump out.

Zi Lingxi hurriedly looked away. She felt that her heart was out of control, and she might be completely fascinated.

She is at a loss now, not knowing what to do.

Huang Luoxiu didn't know what Zi Lingxi was thinking. He warmly said: "Aren't you bored? You can go to the living room to watch TV and play for a while. After a while, the meals are ready."

Like the rich grandma: Xie Shao's darling wife please collect: ( The rich grandma: Xie Shao's darling wife's literary update is the fastest.

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