Cha Qingluo ha ha smiled, pulling Zi Lingxi to continue: "He is called Nan Jia Teng, the name is also very nice."

There is only one Huangluo shirt in Zi Lingxi's eyes. She thinks the best name is Huangluoxiu.

When you read it in your heart, you will be particularly happy. This is how you like it.

It should also be a favorite feeling.

Cha Qingluo's character is that kind of carefree, she is nothing special to Nan Jiateng, she just feels that she wants to have a good relationship, protect her life, protect her father's gang.

Zi Lingxi looked at Cha Qingluo happy like this, naturally would not persuade Cha Qingluo to do something.

In fact, she also envied Cha Qingluo's mobility and did whatever she wanted.

However, she looked at Cha Qingluo's look, especially her eyes, and could not see any emotion at all. She only felt the light of excitement flashing in her eyes, as if to do a fun thing.

Zi Lingxi shook her head. She felt that Cha Qingluo was still uninspired. She might just find it fun!

Zi Lingxi didn't know the specific thoughts of Cha Qingluo, she still couldn't help thinking of Huang Luoxiu, thinking of the information just now.

Her cell phone is in her pants. Although she is listening to Cha Qingluo, her ears have been listening to the phone.

But the phone kept silent.

Cha Qingluo thought about how to win Nan Jiateng, but did not notice that Zi Lingxi was absent.

Of course, Cha Qingluo was originally a careless character, and naturally he didn't pay much attention to it.

What seemed to come to mind, Cha Qingluo rubbed his head and said, "I'll check the Internet to see how to be a girlfriend..."

With that, Cha Qingluo picked up her phone and started searching.

Cha Qingluo whispered while searching, "To be gentle, to send flowers to express..."

The more I look at the tea, the more my head hurts.

What is gentle interpretation, should I be gentle?

Send flowers... she will pick some flowers on the mountain one day...

Pretty? Cha Qingluo stood up and looked at herself in the mirror. She had no idea of ​​her own appearance.

No skin care products are used on weekdays.

She used to have very white skin and had no deterrent effect in fighting. At that time, she deliberately cut her hair and tried to expose herself to the sun, in order to tan the skin, and later the skin was tanned, and of course the skin was also sunburned.

After thinking for a while, Cha Qingluo felt that she still needed to pay attention to her appearance for her life.

Zi Lingxi sat on the bed and looked at Cha Qingluo. In fact, her eyes were out of focus. She was thinking about her mobile phone.

She doesn't dare to stare at her mobile phone and watch it all the time. If she keeps watching it, she will be more worried.

So she put the phone next to her and she told her not to think about it.

She comforted herself, maybe her brother was busy...

Zi Lingxi even thought that if Huang Luoxiu didn't return the information at night, she would call and explain in person.

Zi Lingxi counts the time. When is it easy for people not to be busy, is it time for dinner?

Zi Lingxi forgot about it, and suddenly heard the sound of the phone ding, it was the sound of receiving the message.

Zi Lingxi's heart suddenly jumped out, and her hands trembled, and she quickly took the phone from her pocket.

Can't wait.

When she took out her mobile phone from her pocket, it was found that it was not the message that Huang Luoxiu replied, but the advertising message.

She looked at the page of Huang Luoxiu and clicked on it. She did not reply to the news.

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