Zi Lingxi pursed her lips, her face was not very good.

She threw the phone on the bed, and the whole person had no energy.

It's totally unimpressive.

And Cha Qingluo was over there, talking excitedly while checking something online.

What she said there, Zi Lingxi didn't listen.

But soon it was time for lunch.

The two came very early in the morning. At this time, when lunch came, Zi Lingxi and Cha Qingluo went to the cafeteria to eat together.

Just after they reported, they also received a meal card.

As soon as I heard it, Cha Qingluo became more excited. "Lingxi, have you heard? The meals in the university cafeteria are different from those in middle school. Do you know why I wanted to go to school?"

If on weekdays, when it comes to eating, Zi Lingxi will also be happy, maybe even more excited than tea pouring.

When the two were in middle school, they often went out for a meal and rubbed together. The middle school was in a city in the north of t country. The delicious snack street in that city was also visited by two people.

When I came to T, it was also in the country. This is an ancient cultural city with a long history and a tourist city. The city is very large and eats a lot.

Zi Lingxi looked at the many students who were still busy on campus, and the number of people registering was still increasing. Three days after the start of the semester, freshmen would report one after another in these three days, and the campus was very lively.

Of course, it's clear that the tea's attention is being eaten.

Zi Lingxi followed the tea pouring and asked, "Why?"

"Of course, it’s a big country in the t country. There are many delicious foods here. You can eat all kinds of food here, and the snacks are particularly rich. Also, there are a lot of canteens that are delicious. The news also reported that the university cafeteria, our t-large cafeteria ranked first."

Saying that, Cha Qingluo couldn't help but lick his lips. He was really hungry. He came over early in the morning and was busy all morning. This will finally be able to take a rest. I must treat my stomach well. .

She thought to herself, what to eat later...

Thinking, her belly shouted, she pulled Zi Lingxi, and they all wanted to run.

Zi Lingxi looked at Cha Qingluo, and then looked at the students on the campus road. She gently nudged her and said, "Isn't it like being a lady in college? Don't run, and you see this point Many people go to the cafeteria to eat, and it will be strange if you run."

"Aoao, too."

Cha Qingluo listened to Zi Lingxi's words and endured for a while, but also walked in large strides.

Of course, when approaching the cafeteria, Cha Qingluo saw Nan Jiateng.

Zi Lingxi looked at Cha Qingluo's eyes. Isn't this the boy Cha Qingluo said when he first arrived at school? Called Nan Jiateng?

Cha Qingluo's sight may still be so hot, Nan Jiateng naturally saw Cha Qingluo.

A bit far away from the distance, Cha Qingluo couldn't see Nan Jiateng's look clearly, and didn't know if he saw himself.

Anyway, what is Nan Jiateng's look, Cha Qingluo doesn't care much, what she wants now is to eat.

Cha Qingluo turned and pulled Zi Lingxi to continue to the canteen.

Zi Lingxi was stunned. According to the style of tea pouring, she should run over to say hello or do something terrifying.

"Don't you want to win him?"

"Now I have no energy, eat first, eat the most, and have enough energy to do anything else."

Zi Lingxi listened to this sentence, his mouth twitched.

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