Although Zi Lingxi really didn't want to sleep, Huang Luoxiu said that she could only go to bed.

Although the apartment is large, it is indeed a bedroom and a living room.

This pattern, how to sleep, Zi Lingxi also stunned.

She waited for Huang Luoxiu's arrangement.

Huang Luoxiu looked at Zi Lingxi's big clear eyes, and looked at him in a dependent manner, making his heart very soft.

Huang Luoxiu never felt this kind of feeling of inner softness.

Even for his sister, he is not such a feeling.

He can understand through Zi Lingxi's eyes that she trusts him to rely on him in her whole body.

Huang Luoxiu said: "Lingxi, you live in the bedroom at night."

Zi Lingxi instinctively asked, "What about brother?"

At this time, Zi Lingxi blinked and looked at Huang Luoxiu motionlessly.

She actually wanted to have a room with Huang Luoxiu.

She had to admit that this was what she thought in her heart, and she was totally unpretentious.

At this time she was very close to Huang Luoxiu, and she could smell the elegant breath on him, and she couldn't help but think of some beautiful scenes in her mind.

It really makes people's faces hot.

She actually wanted...

Huang Luoxiu still regarded Zi Lingxi as a little girl, so she didn't know what Zi Lingxi was thinking in her mind at this time.

He said: "Brother is sleeping in the living room, a pair of sofas is a bed."

Indeed, the sofa in the living room is very large, and it is also very spacious, just like a bed.

Zi Lingxi pursed her lips and said, "Brother, I sleep on the sofa, you sleep on the bed."

"Fool, listen to my brother."

When Huang Luoxiu said this, although he was very gentle, he also expressed an unquestionable tone.

Zi Lingxi can only nod.

She knew that her brother wanted her to rest well.

He left the bed with her and he slept on the sofa.

Zi Lingxi was really warm.

"Brother, then I'm going to bed."

"Well, go to sleep, don't be afraid, if something calls me, I'm in the living room."

"Uh huh."

With Huang Luoxiu in the living room, Zi Lingxi really has a strong sense of security in his heart.

Although she can protect herself, it is completely different to have someone she likes to protect.

Zi Lingxi quickly went to the bathroom to take a shower and then returned to the bedroom.

She was lying on the bed with some excitement, but the tossing and turning could not sleep.

She thought that Huang Luoxiu had slept in this bed before, when she was lying on his bed, covered with his quilt.

I don't know if it's her illusion, she feels the elegant atmosphere of Huang Luoxiu.

Zi Lingxi turned back and forth with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

Obviously very sleepy, yawning constantly, but she really can't sleep.

After a while, Zi Lingxi found her stomach hurt.

She clutched her belly and curled up, thinking that it might be better to lie quietly.

But she still hurts when lying down.

I don’t know if it’s a pain, it’s really uncomfortable.

Zi Lingxi's character is very forbearing. After all, she is an orphan. She has always tried to learn to take care of herself.

But this will really hurt.

She suddenly realized that she ate too much at night?

She covered her belly and wanted to go to the bathroom, but she was afraid that if she went to the bathroom, she would quarrel with her brother.

Originally, because she was with her, her brother slept very late now. If she quarrels with him again and makes him rest well, she will feel guilty.

But my stomach really hurts.

Zi Lingxi felt uncomfortable, and his forehead began to sweat constantly.

She squeezed down from the bed.

But in front of him, the whole person fell off the bed.

A sound of "touch" is made.

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