Zi Ling Xi Ben was a very tolerable character, and she got out of bed because of the extreme pain.

After such a fall, she really fainted directly.

As the young master of the Black Dragon Party, Huang Luoxiu received all kinds of training from an early age, even if the Black Dragon Party is really okay, but he still sleeps lightly when he sleeps, and his vigilance is very strong.

So when he was in college, he had a residence outside the school.

Even if I came to T to have some activities, I stayed at T for a few days.

He also lives outside the apartment.

Because of his vigilance in sleeping, there will be a little movement in the dormitory, and he will wake up, so sleep cannot be guaranteed at all.

He can sleep well only if he lives in his own house without any influence.

Therefore, the "touch" sound was naturally heard by Huang Luoxiu.

The moment the sound rang, Huang Luoxiu woke up.

Obviously the sound from the bedroom, Huang Luoxiu was a little worried about Zi Lingxi.

His face changed, and then he came outside the bedroom door and knocked, "Lingxi, what happened?"

Huang Luoxiu's brow furrowed tightly, although his voice was very soft, but his tone was full of worry.



Huang Luoxiu asked several times without a voice.

Seeming to realize something, Huang Luoxiu's face completely changed.

He didn't care about anything else, because he was worried about Zi Lingxi, so he just wanted to go into the bedroom.

When he twisted the door handle, the door was not locked.

When he opened the door, it was dark.

But Huang Luoxiu was also capable of night vision. He naturally saw at a glance that there was no one on the bed, but a person lying on the ground.

Huang Luoxiu realized something, and his face turned pale, and he turned on the light instantly.

He saw Zi Lingxi lying on the ground, unconscious.

Huang Luoxiu immediately came to Zi Lingxi, "Lingxi, Lingxi..."

Huang Luoxiu's voice was very anxious.

From small to large, he has received too much training, and is used to calm and sensible to deal with anything when dealing with things.

But at this moment, Huang Luoxiu was really unable to calm down, he was really anxious.

Especially seeing Zi Lingxi lying on the ground, this vision is very impactful.

"Lingxi, Lingxi..."

Huang Luoxiu gently patted Zi Lingxi's face, but did not see Zi Lingxi wake up.

What he saw was when Zi Lingxi fell asleep, still frowning and sweating on his forehead.

Huang Luoxiu's expression was tense, he first made an emergency call, and then quickly a few acupuncture points on Zi Lingxi.

Zi Lingxi woke up slowly.

She opened her eyes and saw that Huang Luoxiu had an urge to cry, "Brother..."

At this elder brother, Zi Lingxi's voice was so fragile, full of dependence.

Zi Lingxi didn't know why, at this moment, she was so weak inside.

She just felt that she seemed to find the same.

Huang Luoxiu's heart shook, he lowered his voice and said: "Lingxi, it's brother, don't be afraid, tell your brother, what's wrong? Isn't it uncomfortable?"

Zi Lingxi's stomach hurts badly. This will also make her feel weak and unable to make a sound.

"Brother, I feel so bad..."

Zi Lingxi said this word softly, her hand kept covering her stomach, and she would curl up.

Huang Luoxiu gently wiped the sweat from Zi Lingxi's forehead with his hands, appeasing her: "The ambulance will come in a while, it will be fine, if it hurts, bite his brother's hand."

With that said, Huang Luoxiu put his arm to Zi Lingxi's mouth.

Huang Luoxiu had never encountered such a situation, so he panicked involuntarily.

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