Cha Qingluo sighed and lowered her head, so she didn't see the gleaming light flashing in Nan Jiateng's eyes.

She wanted to cry very much, and wanted to find a hole in the ground. She obviously wanted to be a lady. When she first came to the university, she was seen by Nan Jiateng.

Who sees badly, who sees him!

It’s useless to cry without tears. It’s useless to find a hole in the ground. Anyway, Nan Jiateng saw it.

Cha Qingluo felt a broken jar at this time. She took a deep breath and looked up at Nan Jiateng, saying: "I see it, I see it anyway."

After Cha Qingluo finished speaking, her expression was tense. She bowed her head again and dared not look at Nan Jiateng's expression. She was afraid to see another expression on his face.

She can't stand it.

So seeing is pure.

Nan Jiateng looked at Cha Qingluo bulgingly, like the little lion with fried hair, it was quite interesting.

He couldn't help but tickled, "Very good."

Although Nan Jiateng's voice was very light, Cha Qingluo still heard these two words.



What does it mean?

She is a female man! Violent girls!

Don’t boys like delicate girls who are delicate?

Cha Qingluo looked up in surprise, she actually found a curvature in the corner of Nan Jiateng's mouth, is that a smile?

During the three days she started school, she was entangled with Nan Jiateng every day and rarely saw him laugh.

He is always mysterious and profound.

Did you laugh at this time?

No, she has no dazzle?

Perhaps the expression of Cha Qingluo was too surprised. Nan Jiateng quickly closed the corner of his mouth and his smile converged.

Cha Qingluo blinked, and she looked dazed.

She thought, she should have been an illusion, an illusion, how could Nan Jiateng laugh.

Seeming to know Cha Qingluo's inner doubts, Nan Jiateng said: "I said very well, this is like your character."

A character like Cha Qingluo is not a quiet girl, so Huiwu is also normal.

But it really surprised him, maybe even more.

After all, Cha Qingluo has never been in love, so I don't know how to answer at this time.

But she felt that Nan Jiateng admitted that she was actually very happy.

It turned out that she would not be very violent in front of him, and did not scare him!

"I might be a little female man."

"No, girls are good at martial arts, and they can strengthen themselves and protect themselves."

"A bit violent."

"Violence is also very good. If you don't know anything, just when someone bullied you, you can't fight back."


Under Nan Jiateng's comforting explanation, Cha Qingluo was not entangled at all.

She actually cares about Nan Jiateng's views.

Nan Jiateng didn't think she would marry anything, so she didn't have to struggle or hide.

Anyway, she also likes to practice martial arts.

Cha Qingluo's mood improved, and he couldn't help but looked up and said, "Nan Jiateng..."


"Nan Jiateng, Jiateng, Jiateng..."

Cha Qingluo grinned and shouted Nan Jiateng's name constantly.

Nan Jiateng looked at her like a little girl again, her eyes softened and she smiled.

Such she is the one he knew from the beginning.

"Don't hide from me in the future?"

Cha Qingluo pouted, "I didn't hide from you."

"Then see me when I see you?"

"I'm not afraid that it will affect your talking to your friends!"

Nan Jiateng couldn't help but squeezed the cheeks of the tea and said, "It's not heartfelt."

Cha Qingluo jumped a step and covered her face with a smile and said, "Anyway, you know what kind of personality I am."

"Well, I know now."


The two talked in this way, and they didn't realize it at all. They were just like the little couple who was awkward.

Like the rich grandma: Xie Shao's darling wife please collect: ( The rich grandma: Xie Shao's darling wife's literary update is the fastest.

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