Although Cha Qingluo didn't understand, she didn't realize that she and Nan Jiateng talked like this, just like a little couple.

But Cha Qingluo's mood is bright at this time.

She felt that her mood was overcast.

She looked at Nan Jiateng and couldn't help laughing.

The smile on the corner of my mouth couldn't be concealed.

Cha Qingluo didn't know, she was very contagious when she smiled, and it made her mood involuntarily improve.

Nan Jiateng looked at such tea pouring, his mouth slightly evoked a light smile.

Although it is very shallow, this time Cha Qingluo saw clearly, "You smiled."


"You can't smile more on weekdays?"

"it is good."

Tea Qingluo seemed to think of something, saying: "You still don't want to laugh more."

"it is good."

Cha Qingluo looked at Nan Jiateng so good-tempered and listened to her, she couldn't help but want to jump on Nan Jiateng and hug him.

But she refrained.

Although Cha Qingluo wanted to spend more time with Nan Jiateng, she suddenly thought that she was going to join the club to recruit new students, and her expression moved. "Can the package be given to me? I'm going to join the club to recruit new students." ."

"Shall I go with you?"

Cha Qingluo shook his head, "No, I can go by myself."

Nan Jiateng gave the package to Cha Qingluo, and then saw Cha Qingluo jumping towards a teaching building.

Nan Jiateng's eyes flashed a complex light, very deep.

After watching for a while, he then took out his mobile phone and opened the backstage of the college system.

He is the president of the Student Union, so he has great power.

The club recruited new application classrooms, which were later displayed.

After looking at Nan Jiateng, he was going to make a phone call and say hello.

After thinking for a while, he collected his mobile phone and walked directly towards the classroom of a teaching building.

Cha Qingluo wanted to report to the animation community.

This is a society that takes painting and anime as hobbies, which is directly related to the campus newspaper.

It is responsible for a large section of the campus newspaper.

Although it is just a society, I heard that it is very training person. If I can stay in the t big painting society for a few years, when I graduate, I can find a job very well. I heard that the job I find will be well paid.

What Cha Qingluo thought from the beginning was just for hobbies.

She originally wanted to go to the Wushu Association, but she decided to be a lady when she came to college.

And her father always wanted her to be a lady.

She is ready to keep her long flowing hair.

So you can't fight and kill in the Wushu Association all day.

And she has also learned a lot of skills since childhood, whether it is dance painting or music, she is good at it.

In fact, I shouldn't say that I'm good at it anymore. Every item of Cha Qingluo can win a big prize.

But she didn't want to be the kind of person who was active on the stage, so she came to the painting club.

These are two side-by-side classrooms, and one classroom is for all people who want to be interviewed.

The other classroom is the student union for interviews and the seniors and sisters, which are more valued.

Many freshmen are also inquiring that this club is better, so they come to recruit new students.

When Cha Qingluo walked into the classroom to be prepared, she saw dozens of people sitting there, her mouth twitched, so many people!

But she found a place to sit down and write down the application form.

Then write and draw on a written question on the registration form...

Cha Qingluo has drawn several anime drawings directly, just like a short story, which is very interesting and shows her level of drawing.

Like the rich grandma: Xie Shao's darling wife please collect: ( The rich grandma: Xie Shao's darling wife's literary update is the fastest.

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