The words on the registration form are so beautiful.

It can be seen that Cha Qingluo's font skills are also very good.

There are also a few cartoon drawings drawn, which are really impressive.

In front of a bunch of cookie-cutter registration forms, Cha Qingluo's registration form is truly exceptional.

This picture shows the drawing skills.

Not only is he a good painter, but he is also very wise.

As the members of the T excellent painting society, they are all people who love talents, otherwise they will not be eligible to sit here and interview new students.

So when they look at the tea pouring, their eyes are shiny.

This is a personal talent, they want to recruit into the club.

When the registration form was sent to Nanjiateng.

Nan Jiateng looked down, and also looked.

His fingers holding the pen were also stiff.

His expression was subtle.

After reading Cha Qingluo's registration form, Nan Jiateng's mouth twitched a light arc.

With a helpless sigh, he was really worried.

He found that Cha Qingluo was really a surprise everywhere.

As Ji Chengxuan said before, there are really many secrets hidden in Cha Qingluo's body, which is somewhat mysterious and makes people think about digging.

I always feel that the more digging, the more surprises.

At this time, Nan Jiateng felt such a feeling in his heart.

When Nan Jiateng looked up to see the tea pouring again, his gaze was also bright, with a shining light in his eyes.

The light is extinct, it is very confusing.

Nan Jiateng's eyes are already beautiful, and then emit such a light.

Cha Qingluo felt palpitations on the table.

Nan Jiateng's appearance can really confuse people!

She really didn't expect to see Nan Jiateng here.

The president of the painting club once again coughed twice, reminding Cha Qingluo: "Tea Qingluo, please briefly introduce yourself!"

Then Cha Qingluo came back to his mind: "Well, my name is Cha Qingluo, a freshman in the management class of freshman, I hope to join the painting society and continue to learn painting..."

Just as Cha Qingluo continued to speak, Nan Jiateng interrupted her and said, "Why do so many societies choose painting clubs?"

When Nan Jiateng asked this question, not only was the tea stunned, the other interviewers at the painting club next to him were stunned.

So many people interviewed, Nan Jiateng did not ask a question, but came to Cha Qingluo, he asked this question.

Logically speaking, this question is also somewhat sharp.

Cha Qingluo secretly stared at Xia Nan Jia Teng.

She cannot naturally tell the real reason.

She rolled her eyes and said, "Because I am good at painting, I come to the painting club."

Nan Jiateng looked at the light in Cha Qingluo's eyes and smiled lightly. He knew that the girl didn't tell the truth.

But one question is enough, he will not ask too much.

Of course, the reason why Nan Jiateng asked Cha Qingluo also showed his attitude.

Others at the painting society also understood that this was the meaning of President Nan openly defending Cha Qingluo.

Moreover, Nan Jiateng scored the full score directly on the scoring table.

The president of the painting society also understands what it means.

He asked a few questions symbolically, and Cha Qingluo answered very well.

Others naturally scored high.

After Cha Qingluo walked out of the interview room, she took a deep breath.

She was really nervous just now.

Nan Jiateng was sitting on the interview table. She was interviewing. This feeling was very wonderful and made her heart throb and more tense.

After Cha Qingluo walked out of the teaching building, he thought about it, and was a little bit unconvinced.

Like the rich grandma: Xie Shao's darling wife please collect: ( The rich grandma: Xie Shao's darling wife's literary update is the fastest.

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