Tea Qingluo tangled around the place.

After a while, she heard a voice in her ear, "What are you thinking?"

Such a familiar voice is naturally the voice from Nan Jiateng.

Cha Qingluo was shocked, and then slowly turned his head to see Nan Jiateng coming out of the teaching building.

The lights in the building sprinkled on him, making him look more noble.

And when he looked at her straight, his eyes were full of moving light, more charming.

Cha Qingluo's uncontrolled heartbeat accelerated.

She looked at Nan Jiateng, and the whole person was a little dazed.

It wasn't until Nan Jiateng walked in front of her that she recovered.

Nan Jiateng looked down at Cha Qingluo, "What are you thinking?"

"You... why did you interview there?"

Nan Jiateng gently smiled and said: "I was here before the club invited me to help interview."

Cha Qingluo's face stiffened when he heard this.

She may have become more affectionate, and Nan Jiateng is not an interviewer for her.

What is she struggling with?

Perhaps, Nan Jiateng also came to be an interviewer before, so she saw the scene where she used force.

Cha Qingluo was a little embarrassed and said, "Then... I'll go back to the dormitory first."

"I'm just fine, I'll take you back."

Cha Qingluo wanted to hold back, but she couldn't bear the thought in her heart.

She really wanted to get along with Nan Jiateng more.

Looking at Cha Qingluo's silence, Nan Jiateng said: "It's so late, there are no street lights in some parts of the school. I will send you back."

Nan Jiateng's words, although very simple, warmed the tea.

This is the first time she has grown up so that she is treated as a weak girl.

She nodded.

So, in this way, Nan Jiateng returned the tea to the dormitory downstairs.


the other side

When Liu Ningning came out of the library, she was beaten up by several girls.

It seems to be agreed, these girls are also to teach Liu Ningning.

But fortunately, it was discovered by Luo Yanxiao.

The girls saw Luo Yanxiao as soon as they pulled their legs and ran away, afraid that Luo Yanxiao would see them.

Finally, Luo Yanxiao sent Liu Ningning to the infirmary again.

Liu Ningning's face was hurt and bleeding.

Luo Yanxiao looked at Liu Ningning and said, "Are you all right?"

Liu Ningning shook his head, "I'm fine! You go back first."

She was worried that even if it was the cost of the school infirmary, she might not be able to afford it.

She didn't want Luo Yanxiao to know her embarrassment.

She wanted to wait for Luo Yanxiao to leave, she called Cha Qingluo, wanted Cha Qingluo to help pad it first, and then she returned to work for part-time work to make tea Qingluo.

Luo Yanxiao looked at Liu Ningning with his head down, sitting there alone, somehow, making him feel pitiful.

"How are you doing here alone?"

"I just sent a message to my roommate and she will come in a while."

Luo Yanxiao still did not speak.

Liu Ningning added: "You can rest assured that I will find a way to talk to Yang Manqin and ask her what she likes."

"You girl is really weird. It's all like this, and I'm thinking about others."

Liu Ningning heard this sentence, but his lips did not speak.

There was a thing in Luo Yanxiao's schoolbag. He wanted Liu Ningning to give it to Yang Manqin. Now, he couldn't speak well.

Cha Qingluo saw Liu Ningning's message and rushed towards the infirmary.

She suffocated her stomach and was ready to exhale Liu Ningning.

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