Zi Lingxi wanted to tell Cha Qingluo that she was discharged from the hospital and don't worry about Cha Qingluo.

But she heard Cha Qingluo's voice on the phone not quite right, and she seemed very angry.

For this girlfriend, Zi Lingxi still knows.

"What's the matter? See how angry you are."

Cha Qingluo couldn't vent her anger, and she also told Zi Lingxi what was going on.

Zi Lingxi's expression moved, and said, "Qin Luo, don't worry, I will ask my brother to retrieve the video."

Zi Lingxi knows that her brother is very powerful, and can certainly speak at school.

She couldn't let Cha Qingluo go to Nan Jiateng like this.

She knows that Cha Qingluo cares about Nan Jiateng, so she doesn't want to let Cha Qingluo impulsive, nor does she want to let Cha Qingluo look angry at Nan Jiateng.

Zi Lingxi also loved Liu Ningning from her heart, so this time, she also wanted to see who bullied Liu Ningning.

Really thought that Liu Ningning had no one to protect?

Zi Lingxi also decided not to be a lady. How can she be a lady to protect the people around her?

After listening to Zi Lingxi, Cha Qingluo calmed down.

Indeed, she is not right to go to Nanjia Teng now.

And she was so angry, she didn't know how to talk to Nan Jiateng.

She and Nan Jiateng were able to talk well, she couldn't be angry.

She needs to be rational.


Zi Lingxi has been discharged. She is now in Huang Luoxiu's apartment.

When she called, Huang Luo corrected cooking in the kitchen.

Huang Luoxiu is making herbal soup.

This is what he learned with his father.

Ziling Xigang's gastroenteritis is better, and he can't eat much.

But she wanted to eat again, and Huang Luoxiu could only think of this way to temporarily relieve Zi Lingxi.

While he was cooking in the kitchen, he seemed to feel Zi Lingxi walked into the kitchen.

"You will be able to eat in a while, the kitchen has smoke, you go to play first."

Zi Lingxi can feel Huang Luoxiu's care. She is very warm in her heart, but a little sour. She doesn't want to be just the relationship between her brother and sister.

But for now, she has more important things to ask her brother.

"Brother, do you know the school leaders?"

She knows that her brother is very powerful, and she knows only through some things.

And at the school party, the elder brothers were all sitting in the VIP seats, and they were all invited by the school leaders by all means.

So she thinks that her brother has the ability to call for monitoring.

Huang Luoxiu heard Zi Lingxi's words, turned her head and looked again, and saw her frowning eyebrows, as if why she was sad.

"What's wrong, is there something wrong?"

Zi Lingxi pursed her lips and said, "Brother, I want you to call the school's monitoring."

"What are you looking for?"

"A good friend of mine was bullied and beaten. I want to call in the surveillance and get justice for her."

Huang Luoxiu's expression moved, "Don't worry, I will let the school handle this matter."

"Brother, I want to deal with my friends privately."

She had to exhale and hit back.

She has always understood the truth, treat these people and use violence to control violence.

They just don't dare to fight.

School sanctions and the like are useless, and it is useless to all girls.

Don't think they will fight, she will also fight.

When she and Cha Qingluo joined forces, it was really invincible in the campus.

Of course, her brother seems to know nothing.

Huang Luoxiu listened to Zi Lingxi's tone and smiled, feeling that the little girl had grown up and learned to handle some things by herself.

As for what she has to do, he will naturally help when he is an elder brother.

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