When Zi Lingxi finished this sentence, she was afraid that her brother would doubt her character.

Or she might think that she is not a good girl.

But she found that Huang Luoxiu still smiled gently.

When I looked at her, there was a spoiled smile in my eyes.

Seeing Huang Luoxiu look like this, Zi Lingxi was relieved.

As long as it doesn't leave a bad impression on her brother.

She really cares about her impression in her brother's heart.

She also strives to maintain the appearance of a lady.

In fact, she was very happy in her heart.

She did not know that Huang Luoxiu was very indulgent in her heart, just like having a daughter.

What Huang Luoxiu thought was to maintain Zi Lingxi's nature.

What she wants to do, he should be supported by his brother and relatives.

Instead of setting so many rules.

And Zi Lingxi is also helping his friends and maintaining them. There is nothing wrong with it.

Huang Luoxiu grew up in the Black Dragon Party, and the atmosphere of their family is to protect their shortcomings.

My own loved ones are right anyway.

At this time, the soup was almost ready, and Huang Luoxiu turned off the fire.

He told Zi Lingxi: "Tang Sheng out first, drink it later, and wait for your brother."

With that said, Huang Luo Xiu entered the living room and made a phone call.

Zi Lingxi did not know what Huang Luxiu was talking about.

She wondered whether her brother was calling the school.

She blinked her eyes, and then obediently put the soup out of the pot, and then filled two bowls.

She thought about Liu Ningning's affairs, and she was absent-minded.

In fact, she was holding back the fire.

Dare to bully Liu Ningning, she wished she could do it now.

To allow those people to see and see, Liu Ningning can't be bullied by anyone.

Zi Lingxi couldn't help fighting now.

If Huang Luoxiu was not in the living room now, Zi Lingxi could directly hit the wall with a fist.

But the taste of this soup is really very fragrant and very good.

Aroused her appetite.

Let her anger subside a lot.

She has to admit that her brother's cooking is really very good.

She couldn't help but want to drink.

But she refrained, she brought two bowls of soup to the restaurant table.

After a while, Huang Luoxiu seemed to finish the phone call and came to the restaurant.

He reached out and touched Zi Lingxi's hair, "Okay, be happy, don't worry, the surveillance video will be sent to the phone as soon as possible. At this time, you drink soup first, don't keep hungry, don't want to eat something ?"

Zi Lingxi was relieved to hear Huang Luoxiu's words, and quickly sent a message to Cha Qingluo.

Cha Qingluo saw Zi Lingxi's message, just like taking Xinxin Pill, she went back to the dormitory and waited.

She does not go to the infirmary, fearing that her anger will affect Liu Ningning.

After Zi Lingxi and Huang Luoxiu sat down, they began to drink soup.

She took a sip and her eyes brightened.


Zi Lingxi nodded vigorously, "Brother's cooking is the best."

Huang Luoxiu couldn't help laughing when he heard this sentence.

I have to say that this sentence is very useful to him and makes him feel better.

He can now understand how his father felt when he was cooking at home.

Father is also busy cooking.

In fact, you will be happy when you make it for your loved ones.

After a while, Huang Luoxiu's cell phone rang, he opened WeChat, and the video had already been transmitted.

Upon hearing the voice, Zi Lingxi hurriedly put down the spoon and looked at Huang Luoxiu’s mobile phone opposite with wide eyes.

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