Huang Luoxiu raised his eyebrows and looked at Zi Lingxi dimly. "And next time?"

At the moment, Huang Luoxiu's voice was all coercive.

Zi Lingxi shook his head hurriedly, "No, I will drink hot next time."

"Do you really know what's wrong with you?"

Hearing this interrogation, Zi Lingxi blinked, what was wrong?

She really doesn't know.

Huang Luxiu looked at Zi Ling's hesitant look, and looked at her like this, exactly like a child.

He sighed helplessly and reached out to touch Zi Lingxi's hair. "I still haven't learned to love myself. I know that the milk is cold and I don't know how hot it is."

Zi Lingxi grumbled and said nothing.

At that time, the atmosphere between them was too delicate and too embarrassing, and she was just like the ostrich in hiding, and she dared not go out.

If it weren't for a stomachache, she would probably shrink in the bedroom all the time.

This will finish the hanging bottle, Zi Lingxi is also tired, and then fell asleep in bed.

Huang Luoxiu looked at her as she fell asleep, sighed, and covered her blankets.

Although it is the autumn season and the weather is relatively hot, it is easy to catch cold at night.

After covering the blanket with Zi Lingxi, he looked at her seriously.

In the past, Huang Luoxiu did not carefully look at Zi Lingxi, but regarded her as a little girl.

But it was her hug tonight that made him realize that she was actually a big girl and she had her own thoughts.

She is no longer a little girl.

grown up.

This will look at her, he found that Zi Lingxi's eyebrows are indeed very good-looking, without Shifen Dai, but has a refined beauty.

It's just that Zi Lingxi usually wears sports clothes or jeans and rarely wears skirts or the like.

But maybe she wore a skirt before, but he didn’t pay attention.

Maybe it was once amazing, but I didn't think about it elsewhere.

At this moment, Huang Luoxiu really looked at Zi Lingxi as a big girl.

Looking at it, Huang Luoxiu sighed and sat down to continue working.

Or maybe the whole person relaxed, and after a while, he fell asleep beside the bed.

The next day, when Zi Lingxi saw Huang Luoxiu, who was lying there sleeping next to her, she was distressed and moved.

In fact, his brother never abandoned her, he was taking care of her in his way.

She felt that her brother was the best.

Zi Lingxi lay on the bed and looked at Huang Luoxiu, but he didn't dare to move, for fear of waking him up.

In fact, she also wanted to see more of him.

She rarely sees her brother when she is asleep.

It turned out to be so handsome.

Zi Lingxi's heart tickled, and she couldn't help reaching out to touch.

Want to touch.

But she was timid and did not want to wake Huang Luoxiu.

Zi Lingxi couldn't help thinking if she would wake up every day and see how good she was at the bedside.

If she could see her brother, she thought she would wake up laughing every day.

Huang Luoxiu was actually very sleepy.

When he woke up, he looked at Zi Lingxi's awake and smiled, "Woke up?"


She woke up for a while.

Huang Luoxiu looked at Zi Lingxi and knew that she might have woke up for a while.

He felt a little strange. He knew he had a light sleep, but he knew that he had just slept very well just now.

It seems that I haven't slept like this for a long time.

Huang Luoxiu felt a sense of relaxation all over his body.

He glanced at Zi Lingxi deeply, his eyes deep.

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