Rich Young Mistress: Young Master Xie’s Dearest Beloved Wife

Chapter 5422: Girls who can't understand

Zi Lingxi didn't understand the meaning of Huang Luoxiu's eyes, but felt very deep, with a vortex, as if to swallow all human souls.

Zi Lingxi couldn't understand it, but felt that his heart was about to jump out.

Feeling this moment, her feelings towards Huang Luoxiu could not be more controlled.

It seems that those who are out of control rely on the past.

Huang Luoxiu's eyes grew deeper and deeper.

Zi Lingxi was watched like this, her heartbeat accelerated, and there was a feeling of dryness.

Zi Ling looked at Huang Luoxi in a daze and was locked in Huang Luoxiu's eyes, her brain was blank, forgetting thinking and forgetting the reaction.

She felt dry and then licked her lips uncontrollably.

I do not know what this action means to Huang Luoxiu.

Huang Luoxiu looked at Zi Lingxi, his eyes deepened.

It's just that he got up and turned his head away, "I'll ask the doctor to show you."

Zi Ling looked at Huang Luoxiu's back in a daze. She opened her mouth. In fact, she wanted to say that if you call a doctor, there was a bell on the bedside.

But why he looked at Huang Luoxiu's back did not seem to call a doctor.

What happened to him just now? Looks weird.

Eyes are so deep!

Zi Lingxi covered her heart that was still beating, her brother's aura was too strong, every time she couldn't help her heart beat faster.

She didn't want her heart to beat so fast, but she couldn't help it.

Huang Luoxiu walked a few steps in the corridor, his footsteps stopped, and his eyes grew deeper as he thought of something.

Huang Luoxiu had originally asked Zi Lingxi for leave, so Zi Lingxi did not need to participate in military training.


Because Liu Ningning's leg was injured, Cha Qingluo asked Liu Ningning for leave, so in the morning she was carrying Liu Ningning to the canteen for dinner, and then carrying Liu Ningning to the library.

Liu Ningning did not want Cha Qingluo to carry her on her back, she said she was walking by herself.

But limping and walking was not good for the foot injury, Cha Qingluo insisted on carrying Liu Ningning back.

Liu Ningning originally wanted to read a book in the dormitory, so that it would not be so troublesome to use tea to dilute.

But in Cha Qingluo's opinion, Liu Ningning's learning habits on weekdays, she helped her continue to maintain this habit.

Studying in the library is more atmosphere, in the dormitory, how can you read books.

So, on this day, on campus, everyone saw a girl carrying another girl.

To be honest, such a scene actually makes everyone unable to watch, but also makes everyone impressed.

There are still such girls this year.

Just keep up with physical strength?

Everyone found that the girl was walking alone with her back on her back.

When Liu Ningning was brought back to the library, it was Cha Qingluo who went to military training when he was in military training.

During the break, Cha Qingluo ran to the library to see if Liu Ningning had any needs, whether to pick up water, or change books and go to the bathroom.

Ji Chengxuan and Nan Jiateng will also inspect the playground.

Naturally also noticed tea pouring.

Ji Chengxuan didn't know what was going on in the afternoon. He sighed with Nan Jiateng, "I didn't expect Cha Xuemei to look like a girl who was carefree, but she was so attentive, taking care of people, it was really that careful and gentle ..."

Ji Chengxuan often brainwashed in the ear of Nan Jia Teng.

Nan Jiateng glanced at Ji Chengxuan before Ji Chengxuan became quiet.

Nan Jiateng thought of tea pouring, his eyes were faint, he really couldn't understand tea pouring.

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