Cha Qingluo looked bored at Li Wenhe's shaking.

These materials were all made by Zi Lingxi on a phone call, which was quickly obtained.

Cha Qingluo is more and more convinced that Zi Lingxi has a very powerful backstage, and her brother seems to be omnipotent.

The tea pouring will finish the drink and put the cup down on the table.

"Bump!" There was a loud noise.

Li Wenhe was startled all over.

She found that at this moment, Cha Qingluo's lazy gesture was gone, and she became harsh all over.

"Let's say, how did you and Yang Manqin unite against Zi Lingxi and me? How did you plan? If you tell me honestly, I might be able to let you go if you are in a good mood."

Li Wenhe's face changed when he heard the words Yang Manqin.

Unexpectedly, they even knew her relationship with Yang Manqin.

Yang Manqin is her cousin in the distance, but she is the one she wants to stunt.

After all, Yang Manqin is a member of the Yang family. The interpersonal network behind him and the power behind him are not dynamic.

Looking at Li Wenhe's expression, Cha Qingluo could almost understand what she was thinking.

"Are you thinking about Yang Manqin, the Yang family, can you be guaranteed?"

Li Wenhe froze when she heard Cha Qingluo's words, but she didn't expect what she thought, she actually knew.

Cha Qingluo looked at Zi Lingxi. Zi Lingxi thought of what the aunts and uncles on the island said and smiled and said, "You can give it a try, do we have the power to move you."

Zi Lingxi said you.

Li Wenhe naturally knew that you included Yang Manqin, including the Yang family.

She was horrified at this moment, what is the backstage of Zi Lingxi and Cha Qingluo, why can you talk so arrogantly, and not afraid to blink.

But she looked at Zi Lingxi and Cha Qingluo's looks, so confident and arrogant, she was timid and afraid to dare.

Perhaps in her eyes, the Yang family is very powerful, but in the eyes of Cha Qingluo and Zi Lingxi, it is not enough.

But before, when I accidentally heard Yang Manqin mention it, it seemed that the background of the two people was the same?

Suddenly, she seemed to realize what happened. Li Wenhe's complexion changed. Was she posed by Yang Manqin?

She was jealous of Cha Qingluo, and after knowing the relationship between Cha Qingluo and Yang Manqin, she tried to inquire about the news of Cha Qingluo from Yang Manqin.

But Yang Manqin seemed to pass the wrong message to her between the lines.

Li Wenhe knew at this point that she might have been pitted by Yang Manqin.

Even if she was pitted by Yang Manqin, she could do nothing because she had no evidence.

She took the initiative to call Yang Manqin to ask. Yang Manqin was only responsible for telling her that one more sentence would be added after the speech.

That woman has always been deeply thoughtful.

Li Wenhe was going to vomit blood at this time, and he was going to faint.

She was also jealous of tea pouring, so she was chaotic and congested in her mind to harm Cha Qingluo and Zi Lingxi.

At this point she understood everything and she had no place to cry.

"You let me go, I said everything, I was foolish enough to hurt you."

When saying this, Li Wenhe's voice was shaking.

"It depends on your performance. It is clear from the beginning, and you have a conversation with Yang Manqin."

Li Wenhe dared not hide anymore, and explained everything clearly.

Cha Qingluo's complexion changed, and even if it happened, it had nothing to do with Yang Manqin.

However, Yang Manqin was instructing Li Wenhe between the lines, but she also picked her cleanly.

Like the rich grandma: Xie Shao's darling wife please collect: ( The rich grandma: Xie Shao's darling wife's literary update is the fastest.

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