Cha Qingluo's eyes narrowed dangerously, and it seemed that this Yang Manqin was very thoughtful.

But knowing who Yang Manqin is, she will be more cautious in the future.

But that Yang Manqin had better not be in her hands. At that time, she was welcome.

Zi Lingxi patted Cha Qingluo's shoulder, "Yang Manqin dare to come like this again, next time, we will come to Yin."

Playing tricks, they will too, just disdain to do that before.

If Yang Manqin killed them to provoke them, they wouldn’t mind trying it.

Zi Lingxi felt a bit emotional now that her brother was there.

Although she did not know the specific identity of her brother Huang Luoxiu, she also knew something through the words of her aunt and uncle on the island.

Even if her elder brother is very strong and her background is very strong, even if she is doing a fight with the president of country t, it will be fine.

That's what the aunt and uncle told her.

So Zi Lingxi is so confident.

Zi Lingxi didn't dare to think, if she didn't have her brother, she wouldn't suffocate to death now.

Therefore, she must hug her brother even more so that she can continue to live a free and easy life.

But when she didn't understand anything, she liked Huang Luoxiu from the age of thirteen.

She fell in love at first sight when she was thirteen.

So she just likes her brother, but she has nothing to do with those backgrounds.

But now I feel that my brother has a good background so that she can protect herself and her friends.

And her brother also gave her enough power.

Uncles and aunts are brothers' subordinates and will help her.

What she wants to do, check what, they will find out for her.

According to the understanding, Cha Qingluo also knew that Li Wenhe was initially envious of her and a little angry, so he asked Yang Manqin to inquire.

Then Yang Manqin's three words and two words instigated and frightened, and Li Wenhe moved other thoughts, trying to get Cha Qingluo expelled.

After listening to all things, Cha Qingluo knew everything, and knew that it was really the jealousy of a woman, and it was really related to Nan Jiateng.

She had to sigh from the heart, Nan Jiateng is really popular!

In fact, she would not have noticed Nan Jiateng if it was not a systematic problem at first.

With her bold character, she doesn't know when she can open her mind emotionally.

Just then, Cha Qingluo's cell phone rang.

Cha Qingluo lazily took out his mobile phone and it turned out to be Nan Jiateng's.

Cha Qingluo was shocked.

This was the first time Nan Jiateng took the initiative to call her.

Cha Qingluo looked at Li Wenhe opposite, his face changed


In fact, Nan Jiateng also quickly found out that this matter was related to Li Wenhe.

When he asked Li Wenhe to ask about it, he learned from several people that Li Wenhe, Cha Qingluo and Zi Lingxi had left the campus.

Nan Jiateng didn't have to think about it, almost knew what was going on.

So he called Cha Qingluo.


Cha Qingluo listened to the phone ringing at this time, seeing the name of Nan Jiateng above, hesitating whether to answer it.

She is now in a bad mood listening to what Li Wenhe said.

After all, this matter may really be related to Nan Jiateng. Although Nan Jiateng did nothing, Li Wenhe and Yang Manqin, why did you target her?

It wasn't because she was looking for Nan Jiateng every day.

Zi Lingxi gave Cha Qingluo a look, and Cha Qingluo took a deep breath and picked it up. "Hey, President Nan is so busy. How did you call me today? It was the first time."

Like the rich grandma: Xie Shao's darling wife please collect: ( The rich grandma: Xie Shao's darling wife's literary update is the fastest.

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