Liu Ningning looked at Luo Yanxiao in this way, and she could see that the bright light of his eyes was different from that of the past. That kind of light came out while watching Yang Manqin.

Liu Ningning's heart sank, her face was white for a moment, and her whole body was tense.

There was a sour feeling in her heart, but she was trying to control it.

Since Luo Yanxiao did not look at her, she bowed her head and continued reading, as if she had not seen them.

Then Luo Yanxiao said to Yang Manqin: "What a coincidence, see you here."

Yang Manqin gave a self-considered smile and said, "Yeah, I haven't seen you again after the party."

"You didn't go to military training this afternoon?"

"Everyone is on leave, and I'm also taking a break to take a look at the library. It's been a long time since I read the book.

"What book do you like to read."

"Is there any good-looking book recommended to me?" Yang Manqin said, smiling at Luo Yanxiao.

Luo Yanxiao glanced at the light, "My friend worked hard in the library and worked hard, and I still know more about it here..."

"Masters like you still work hard and work hard?"

"Haha, exercise occasionally. Didn't you also attend the concert before, donated the cost of performance income?"

Yang Manqin was surprised, "You have been to the concert?"

"Well, I was watching under the stage at that time. You played the piano very well."

"Overwhelming, if you sing on stage..."


Liu Ningning listened to them, and then his head buzzed, and he couldn't listen or read the book.

She wanted to leave this seat very much, and she didn't want to listen to the two people's no one there.

If you want to say, can you not say it here.

Liu Ningning felt that she might not be able to talk to Yang Manqin.

She always thinks that Yang Manqin gives people a very strange feeling. She can't say what she feels in her heart.

Maybe Yang Manqin is beautiful, will boys like it?

She can see that when Luo Yanxiao was talking with Yang Manqin, she was very enthusiastic and very talkative.

As for what she said, after hearing a few words, she couldn't hear it.

If it weren't for her bad feet, she had already left the table and changed seats.

She also felt that if she left her seat suddenly, her emotions would be exposed.

She thought Yang Manqin's glance was very strange, which made her uncomfortable.

Liu Ningning is not stupid. She has an instinctive feeling that Yang Manqin definitely does not have the kindness she showed.

In the end, Liu Ningning couldn't help it. She felt that she would really spicy ears if she listened to it again.

She took a deep breath, then stood up, preparing to limping for a seat.

As Liu Ningning limped and walked aside hard, Luo Yanxiao noticed at once.

He suddenly stood up and took a step forward to hold Liu Ningning's arm, "Liu Ningning, where are you going and what are you doing?"

"I change the book."

"You change the book, I sit next to you, you can't say it, I help you get it, your feet are not good, what if you fall?"

Liu Ningning wanted to shake off Luo Yanxiao's hand and wanted to say that she had nothing to do with him when she fell, and he didn't have to control it.

But when she looked up at Luo Yanxiao's nervous eyes, what she was impulsive to say was stuck in her throat, and she couldn't say anything.

How did she think Luo Yanxiao was really worried about her.

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