Liu Ningning did not know whether it was her illusion.

She felt Luo Yanxiao holding the hand of her arm, and she felt held tightly by his arm, and she had a hot feeling.

Both seemed to ignore Yang Manqin.

Yang Manqin's eyes narrowed, and the corners of his mouth were curved.

Then she slowly stepped forward and said: "Liu Ningning, Luo Yanxiao and I are just next to you. You can let us help you find a book for you. If you are injured again, Luo Yanxiao and me You will blame yourself. If you have a serious foot injury that is not good, we can’t help but take care of you.”

Yang Manqin's sentence sounds like no problem. After careful analysis, you can hear the deep meaning in it.

She put all the blame on Liu Ningning, saying that she wanted to be deliberately injured, let them blame themselves, and let them take care.

Said she deliberately made in front of them.

Liu Ningning listened to Yang Manqin's words, his face became whiter in an instant, and the blood on his face was gone.

Yang Manqin said, with an arc in the corner of his mouth, squinting at Liu Ningning's reaction.

Luo Yanxiao looked at Yang Manqin and listened to the sentence just now. He felt a little wrong, but he couldn't tell what was wrong.

The heart of boys is actually relatively thick, not as careful as girls, and I don’t know there are so many twists and turns in one sentence.

Luo Yanxiao will not know that the mind of a woman is different from that of a man.

And he doesn't think too much. After all, when he came, Liu Ningning and Yang Manqin sat together.

He thought that the two were roommates, sitting together and reading, and the relationship should be good.

Yang Manqin said, it is estimated that Liu Ningning was anxiously worried.

Liu Ningning's teeth clenched her lips tightly, her eyelashes trembling slightly.

No one has ever said this to her.

She didn't think so, she didn't think so much.

She just wanted to change seats, she wanted to be careful, it was all right for her feet.

She put the weight of her body on the other foot, which should be fine.

But Yang Manqin's words, like a slap on her face, made her face follow the hot.

Especially in front of Luo Yanxiao, Liu Ningning almost cried.

It can be said that Yang Manqin speaks mercilessly, leaving no room for others.

Luo Yanxiao felt something was wrong with Liu Ningning and said, "Liu Ningning, what's wrong with you, are you okay?"

As he said, Luo Yanxiao supported Liu Ningning, which was equivalent to holding her back in a chair and sitting down.

Yang Manqin said deliberately next to him: "Liu Ningning, you don’t know yet, the video of Cha Qingluo and Zi Lingxi in our dormitory has been posted in the forum posting bar, but now the posting forum and forum are blocked It’s only."

As soon as Liu Ningning heard about Cha Qingluo and Zi Lingxi, he couldn't keep calm. "What are you talking about?"

When he said this, Liu Ningning's voice suddenly rose.

"Don't you know? The two of them fought with others and beat them on the ground."

Liu Ningning's attention was completely taken away by Yang Manqin.

She was very worried about Cha Qingluo and Zi Lingxi.

I forgot the feeling of being beaten by Yang Manqin.

She was very worried about Cha Qingluo and Zi Lingxi.

Luo Yanxiao looked at Yang Manqin and Liu Ningning, a little strange.

Didn’t Liu Ningning know? Why did Yang Manqin tell Liu Ningning?

When Liu Ningning anxiously wanted to call Cha Qingluo to send a message, Cha Qingluo and Zi Lingxi came to the library.

Like the rich grandma: Xie Shao's darling wife please collect: ( The rich grandma: Xie Shao's darling wife's literary update is the fastest.

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