"The aura is too full. I walked by and felt that I couldn't breathe."

"Let me have a feeling of watching movie stars, should it be an international player?"

"A lot of girls are watching him quietly, but they dare not come close, there is no one around him, he is too full of gas, I am worried that he will suddenly draw a gun."

"The watch he wears, but the famous **** brand, which is limited to the whole international! The identity is definitely very expensive. I checked the watch online, I want to find the identity of this person, but I can’t find it. Arrived."


The two girls were full of stars and worshipped the man who had just met.

Zi Lingxi didn't care much, but listening to it, I felt something was wrong.

Especially watches, she remembered that her brother Huang Luoxiu had such watches on her hands.

She had seen it before, and she liked it very much. Later, she asked Aunt Wu of the castle.

Said that the watch is only worn by his brother, is a famous international **** brand, a limited edition.

When she was in her tens, she saw her brother wearing it for so long.

There can be no one else wearing it.

It seemed that something had exploded at the top of Zi Lingxi's head, and his heart was jumping out of his mouth.

Is it brother?

Is it Huang Luoxiu?

Zi Lingxi didn't care about the two-minute break, and stepped forward to grab the two girls and asked, "Where is the person you said?"

When Zi Lingxi said this, there was golden light in her eyes, and she couldn't help her hands because of her excitement.

The girl turned back to want to scold, but when she looked at Zi Lingxi's face, she recognized that she was a particularly powerful girl.

The hottest girl in the previous forum.

If they wanted to curse people, they swallowed it back, and they could only stun their fingers to Zi Lingxi, "It's on the pavilion on campus."

After listening to Zi Lingxi, she let go of the girl's arm and ran directly in that direction.

Zi Lingxi ran away with almost all of his strength, and like the same gust of wind, disappeared instantly in place.

As soon as the two girls blinked, they could not see Zi Lingxi's figure.

The two still said with a lingering fear: "Just almost cursed to export."

"It's really fast. At this speed, if you curse people, it is estimated that you can't move while lying on the ground."

"It's a terrible look. This is Zi Lingxi. Why did she inquire about that person, wouldn't it be money worship?"

"Who knows, there are many girls now, and it's not surprising that young, handsome and rich people will post it."

"Furthermore, what happened to the forum before was resolved so quickly, not because of the backstage..."


The two girls were discussing, and Zi Lingxi would never hear it.

She is now excited to find Huang Luoxiu.

As she approached the pavilion, she really saw a domineering person standing there.

Although she was wearing sunglasses and a hat, she recognized it at a glance, and could not be wrong, it was her brother Huang Luoxiu.

He has come to school.

But he came to school, so why not tell her?

What he is doing standing here.

Zi Lingxi looked at the front, and the pavilion could see the location of the playground!

Zi Lingxi seemed a little surprised, a bright light flashed under her eyes, and then walked towards Huang Luoxiu, "Brother!"

Gently and softly, he also expressed the thoughts of Zi Lingxi's heart.

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