Huang Luoxiu's eyes also looked at the front, suddenly heard a brother, he thought it was auditory hallucinations.

He sighed in his heart. It seemed that Zi Lingxi's influence on him was not small.

He stretched out his fingers, squeezed his eyebrows lightly, a little helpless, but also wanted to make him sober and calm down.

At this moment, he heard again, "Brother."

The soft, soft voice makes people's hearts tremble, and at the same time their hearts can't help but softly.

When Zi Lingxi saw Huang Luoxiu, she knew how much she missed him.

When she looked at Huang Luoxiu, she was full of him in her mind. She could not think of anyone else or anything.

There was only one person in her mind.

Zi Lingxi's brain is also blank, and she thought of approaching the past.

In fact, sometimes some of the inner thoughts are not artificially controllable.

Zi Lingxi is like this at this time, can't help but get close, and can't help but want to hug.

She wished she could stick to her brother all the time.

Zi Lingxi approached Huang Luoxiu, and couldn't help shouting his name.

My brother shouted out the thoughts in her heart.

After seeing the people, Zi Lingxi knew how heavy his heart was.

Before I saw it, I thought about it very much during this time, and even more after I saw it.

Zi Lingxi even had a feeling of grievance, and her eyes were sour, she would cry.

Huang Luoxiu heard Zi Lingxi's voice exactly, turned around, and really saw Zi Lingxi.

At this moment, Huang Luoxiu suddenly felt a sense of leaving the place.

But the footsteps seemed to be filled with lead, and they were set in place.

He looked at Zi Lingxi, especially seeing her red eyes. His heart was unbelievable and slightly hurt.

He sighed inwardly, but she still discovered it.

Before Huang Luoxiu had any action, Zi Lingxi had quickly stepped forward and hugged his waist.

Leaning directly in his arms.

Zi Lingxi hugged tightly, as if afraid of Huang Luoxiu leaving.

In fact, if Huang Luoxiu worked hard, he could really push Zi Lingxi away, but he still couldn't bear it.

There seemed to be many people watching around.

Of course, the girls who watched quietly were shocked to see this scene.

"Then... isn't that Zi Lingxi? It's the woman who fights, and she has great skills."

"Wow, is this boy her boyfriend, right? Why did he just hug it?"

"And, do you feel that the cold breath of the man's body just softened, and the pressure is not so strong."

"I said, how did the matter of posting on the forum be solved so quickly, it turns out that Zi Lingxi has a backstage, this man's identity must be unusual."

"Think about it, the world's limited edition mobile phone is in his hand. You look at that temperament and that look. Although it is not very clear to see with sunglasses, it is also very cool and handsome."

"Ah, just hugged like this, how can I feel like watching an idol drama."

"Is there such a handsome man in the idol drama? Is he more charming than international movie stars?"


Many people watched with golden light.

Huang Luoxiu didn't know where to put his hand. He put it on Zi Lingxi's shoulder and pushed her away, but he couldn't bear it, so he clenched his fist again.

After a while, he let go and gently patted Zi Lingxi's shoulder, "Well, it's so big, everyone looks at it!"

Zi Lingxi hugged Huang Luoxiu, leaned in his arms, smelling the elegant and nice smell of him, he didn't want to let go of his hand.

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