Zi Lingxi is very tight and tight, really does not want to let go of her hand, she still has some fascination with Huang Luoxiu.

It felt so lean and so relaxed in her brother's arms.

All the fatigue in the military training just disappeared.

In front of Huang Luoxiu, Zi Lingxi easily became like a little girl and couldn't help but want to be coquettish and wanton.

She didn't dare to do this when she didn't know Huang Luoxiu's attitude towards her before.

Since the college entrance examination, she felt her brother's care and love for her, knowing her special status, she began to have no fear of approaching Huang Luoxiu.

And after eighteen, she can also fall in love.

She can say what she likes.

When she hugged Huang Luoxiu, her brain was still blank, but after a while, she recovered.

She could feel the stiffness and struggle of her brother's body, but she knew that her brother did not push her away.

The corners of Zi Lingxi's mouth all had a sweet smile, and a cunning light flashed in her eyes.

Her teeth bit her lips vigorously, and all the bites hurt, and she looked up at Huang Luoxiu with red eyes.

Huang Luoxiu bowed his eyes to Zi Lingxi's eyes, and his heart shivered and hurt.

He is reflecting, is he overdoing it?

Huang Luoxiu hesitated, then reached out and gently touched Zi Lingxi's hair.

Zi Lingxi's entire heart is about to burst out. She especially likes her brother to touch her hair, which is very gentle, and there will be a soft light in the eyes of her brother, as if it can warm her apex.

Zi Lingxi actually wanted to laugh inside.

But she didn't smile, and instead told Huang Luoxiu in aggrieved tone: "I thought my brother didn't care about me?"

Hearing this sentence, and looking at Zi Lingxi's wronged tone, Huang Luoxiu's heart was the same as a piercing, "How can my brother care about you, don't think about it."

"The older brother left the apartment that day and never returned, nor sent me a message."

Facing these complaints, Huang Luoxiu frowned and thought, "Isn't it leaving you with a note? There are also messages back to you on weekdays."

Huang Luoxiu will not understand Zi Lingxi's entanglement. Girls sometimes have some very small things, but boys may not think about them.

He felt that he did not leave without saying goodbye, he also left a message to Zi Lingxi, and also responded to the message on weekdays.

But he did not know that what Zi Lingxi wanted was that he valued his concern, not just that.

Zi Lingxi thinks she is greedy and wants more.

Zi Lingxi didn't know how to speak, and kept her head down.

Huang Luoxiu thought she was unhappy and explained in a low voice: "Some things have been busy lately. I didn't come to school to see you because my brother is bad."

He also remembered that he said he would spend more time with her later.

When Zi Lingxi heard Huang Luoxiu's similar apology, she was relieved.

She knew that her brother must still care about her.

That is to say, after kissing her brother that day, nothing happened. Is it possible for her to make persistent efforts in the future, kiss more, or climb onto his bed...

Thinking like this, Zi Lingxi's face flushed.

She felt that she was getting bolder.

Zi Lingxi took a deep breath, and she would move up on her toes...

Huang Luoxiu responded very quickly, holding Zi Lingxi's shoulder at once, "Your classmates in your school are watching."

Zi Lingxi was squeezed on her shoulder, unable to stand on tiptoe to kiss Huang Luoxiu, she was very unhappy.

The feeling of wanting to kiss can't be kissed is too scratching.

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