Cha Qingluo narrowed her eyes, so she guessed, did Nan Jiateng also have such a powerful skill?

Cha Qingluo told her before thinking of the system, and she once again thought of her father's little gang.

She almost forgot these.

She still has to protect her father. She can't let her father have an accident.

Cha Qingluo blinked, and then walked to Yang Manqin's side. She found that Yang Manqin was really tall.

"Yang Manqin, you are so good!"

Cha Qingluo said this sincerely.

She admires the strong, especially those with such powerful skills.

Sure enough, there are people outside, there are heavens outside!

Yang Manqin looked down at Cha Qingluo, his eyes flashed a light, his lips did not speak.

"Yang Manqin..."

Yang Manqin took a step back, "How?"

"Don't you find life boring? I have a way to increase your fun, really?"

Cha Qingluo looked at Yang Manqin with very serious eyes, and with very sincere eyes, showing how seriously he said this.

In fact, Cha Qingluo's mind is Xiao Jiujiu!

Yang Manqin took another step back, "Oh?"

She raised her eyebrows and looked at Cha Qingluo, as if waiting for her to say the following.

"Don’t you say that you can’t stand high above the cold? You are so powerful, you don’t have any opponents, it’s boring, don’t you teach me, teach me, and teach me so much like you, it’s not challenging Isn't it? The two of us are fighting, don't you think life is fun?"

What Cha Qingluo thought was that her father had invited so many martial arts teachers, not so powerful.

Yang Manqin is so powerful, so powerful!

If she learns, if she masters this skill, and goes back to teach her father, let her father teach those people of his gang, then their physical strength will be improved.

At that time, even if Nan Jiateng's family really wants to fight against his father's gang, his father will not be killed, right?

So what the system says is not true.

Cha Qingluo blinked and blinked, hiding his thoughts carefully from Yang Manqin.

As the saying goes, a big husband can bend and stretch. Although she is not a big husband and a little girl, she can bend and stretch.

Yang Manqin raised his eyebrows, "Want to learn?"

Tea Qingluo nodded.

For the sake of her life, she can throw her head at the blood.

"It's not impossible."

When Yang Manqin said this, Cha Qingluo lifted her heart, that is to say, she was really willing to teach her?

What Cha Qingluo thinks is that she can't take Yang Manqin now. After she learns her martial arts, she then swells the young man's bruised face, which is much more effective.

Looking at Cha Qingluo's shiny eyes, Yang Manqin said: "Apprenticeship."


Cha Qingluo almost vomited blood, apprentice?

Let her worship her as a master? She really dares to think.

Let her be called Yang Manqin, is she crazy?

How could it be called Master Yang Manqin.

Later, Cha Qingluo found that nothing was impossible.

After thinking about it, Cha Qingluo decided to learn martial arts.

"On the surface, I can't call you Master."


Cha Qingluo thought for a while, it was okay in private.

So starting today, she has an extra master in private.

"Master, you are my master. I am your apprentice. In the future, you can't bully my friends and cover us."

"Master, look, you are all my masters. Should I invite me to dinner and invite my roommate to dinner?"

"Master, you have to eat well. Let's eat outside."

Cha Qingluo felt that she found another way to deal with Yang Manqin.

Like the rich grandma: Xie Shao's darling wife please collect: ( The rich grandma: Xie Shao's darling wife's literary update is the fastest.

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