Yang Manqin listened to the chattering sound of Cha Qingluo in her ear, her forehead kept jumping, her face was tense, and she seemed to endure terribly.

Looking at Yang Manqin's expression, Cha Qingluo smiled inwardly.

Cha Qingluo continued to chatter all the way without stopping.

Watching Yang Manqin's temper break, Cha Qingluo quickly went to Zi Lingxi and Liu Ningning.

Today, Liu Ningning's feet are all right, nothing is wrong, and military training is possible, so Cha Qingluo quickly went back and found two people.

When Cha Qingluo told the two people what had just happened, both of them widened their eyes and couldn't believe it.

Zi Lingxi touched Cha Qingluo's head. "Qingluo, do you have a fever?"

When Cha Qingluo told Zi Lingxi about her plan, the two thought the method was really good.

So the three of them went out to eat with Yang Manqin together, and the food was the most expensive and the best.

Cha Qingluo constantly gave his eyes to the two people, and the three of them ate hard.

Yang Manqin ate a few bites of rice elegantly, looking at the tea pouring, looking at the three people, the corner of his mouth evoked a slight arc.


She thought they were naive, but naive are also interesting.

It's more fun than facing those things all day.

No matter how they eat, the three of them will not eat poor.

The family of her Yang family is rich!

And she has more assets!

But she has never seen such a meal.

In her conception, everyone eats in the most perfect posture.

But looking at these three people, she felt that eating was actually a treat.


After the meal, the three returned to the dormitory. Cha Qingluo couldn't really eat or move, so he couldn't study with Yang Manqin for the time being. Cha Qingluo was actually curious. Why didn't Yang Manqin go back to the dormitory? She tweeted all the way, and Yang Manqin didn't answer.

After going back, Cha Qingluo also received a notice from the animation company.

Then the student will have an activity, let her draw posters.

Cha Qingluo was thinking about going home on the weekend and lying down. She might have to stay at school to paint posters.

And the specific content, she seems to have to communicate with the student union over there.

Cha Qingluo thought about communicating with Nan Jiateng?

When I thought of contacting Nan Jiateng, I could see him working with him, and Cha Qingluo was very excited.

The student union has not recruited new students, it seems that they will wait for the new military training.

She was thinking, would you like to join the student union, that is, work with Nanjia Teng?

But even if he enters the student union, Nan Jiateng works alone, and it is not so easy to see him.

So she still keeps tangling to see.

Cha Qingluo thought about it, she can often find reasons to go to him.

The time was fast, and soon arrived on Friday. When it was disbanded on Friday afternoon, everyone cried out excitedly.

It has been almost two weeks since the start of school, and they haven't taken any holidays.

At this time, everyone can relax. After all, they will continue military training for the next two weeks without rest or vacation.

Huang Lingxiu personally picked up Zi Lingxi.

The car driven by Huang Luoxiu, Zi Lingxi's car at this time was not as unnatural as it was at first, and it was not so nervous.

After letting go, Zi Lingxi wanted to move further.

She looked at Huang Luoxiu driving so beautifully, what to do, she couldn't help it, and now she wanted to hug it, and wanted to hug herself.

Doesn’t the novel say that men are very wolf-like? Why she looked at Huang Luoxiu, is such an elegant gentleman, as if not eating fireworks on earth.

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