Luo Yanxiao felt that Liu Ningning would use such a notebook.

Pink, it looks pretty.

Whatever he thinks, she thinks her words are pretty.

Finally, Luo Yanxiao couldn't help but cough and said, "Liu Ningning, you are here!"

Liu Ningning looked up, only to see Luo Yanxiao, she was surprised.

Liu Ningning blinked before he recovered.

But seeing Luo Yanxiao's handsome face, she couldn't help but palpitate, and her heartbeat accelerated.

But Liu Ningning's face was very calm.

" didn't go home?"

Luo Yanxiao shook his head, "Don't you also go home?"

Liu Ningning's mouth moved, and she was homesick. She didn't go home just because the travel expenses were very expensive. She could eat a long trip and buy many favorite books.

She also rebelled during adolescence. When she was rebellious, she wanted to collect books and collected books, and she felt very happy.

She is most grateful that in adolescence, it was the book that accompanied her through those times, calming her restless heart.

She also misses her parents.

But since she came out to study, she must study hard.

And when you go back, your parents will be too busy to care about her.

If she goes back if she can't help her parents, she will cause confusion to her parents, making her parents have to make more delicious food because she goes back.

Because of her good exams, after the college entrance examination, her mother killed an egg-laying hen and made chicken for her to eat.

Thinking of this, Liu Ningning felt sore in his heart and sore eyes.

If she doesn't work hard anymore, she feels sorry for her parents.

My mother said that on education ~ ~, the flowers should still be spent.

Liu Ningning's expression moved: "I really want to go home."

I don't know why, in front of Luo Yanxiao, she couldn't help but say something in her heart.

Perhaps, she also wanted to talk to someone.

Or maybe because there are so few people in school at the weekend, she is also lonely and wants to talk to people.

Luo Yanxiao looked at Liu Ningning's red eyes and said, "Don't be sad, why don't you want to go home?"

Liu Ningning's mouth evoked a bitter arc, and a young master like Luo Yanxiao would not understand her mind, nor would she understand how difficult it is for ordinary people like her to live.

Liu Ningning shook his head, "Will go home during the winter vacation."

After a pause, Liu Ningning asked, "Why didn't you go home?"

A young master like him, who did not lack money, went back directly by car, why not go back?

I have to say that the two people have different backgrounds, different life experiences, and different ideas.

Luo Yanxiao didn't understand why Liu Ningning didn't go home.

Liu Ningning didn't understand why Luo Yanxiao didn't go home.

Luo Yanxiao said: "There is no difference between going home and not going home. My parents are very busy. I don't see them a few times throughout the year. The house is a servant."

In fact, for Luo Yanxiao, he wanted his parents to care about him often, accompany him, and greet him instead of giving money to money.

Liu Ningning froze at the words, and seemed to understand Luo Yanxiao's troubles.

"When I was young, my parents were by my side. At school, my mother prepared meals for me at home. When the winter is cold, the insoles are all wet. My mother will dry the insoles for me and my mother will give them back. I knit gloves, it's very warm, even if I have younger brothers and sisters, my parents have never ignored me, and let me go to school."

Luo Yanxiao listened, his eyes were hot, he felt he had never felt such warmth, even if he was the only child, he felt like an orphan.

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